Sunday, October 14, 2018

Nestor vs Rumley - Nestor Wins Out over City Solicitor in the Heavyweight Championship Boxing Match


Which mayor do you have to sleep with to get more money than a city solicitor!

That's a joke...I think...  (parody)

Michael J. Nestor is paid $145,390.83

Mark E. Rumley is paid $123,328.64

How the hell do you make $22,052.19 more than the city lawyer for the city of Medford?  It's the $52.19 more that really irks thin-skinned Rumley, isn't it!!!!

File Under: Silver hairs on your pillow while your wife is running CORI checks on unsuspecting access TV producers!!!!


And you thought Local 25 was the racket when the true racket is on the 2nd floor of 85 George P. Hassett Drive!

Is Mike Nestor the new Adeline?  Only their hairdressers know for sure...and their bartenders...allegedly

oh it's a parody, suck it up with the money  these creeps are collecting...