Monday, September 30, 2019

Daniel Ellseberg and the city of Medford

1,408,756 @ 10:12 pm 1,408,731 @ 9:55 pm 1,408,701 @ 9:27 pm 119 views in 115 minutes 9:55 pm 89 views in 87 minutes! after 8 pm Eighty Eight year old Daniel Ellsberg on cable TV tonight explaining how there wasn't a Whistleblower law in place when he did the right thing. You know, J.J. McLean, Doug Nagengast and others took an oath of office.   So why are they lurking around "the dark...

POLICE MEET: Wed October 2: Interrogate The Police 6 PM Alden Chambers - DEMAND ANSWERS

1,408,631 @ 8:22 PM  1,408,510 @ 7:12 pm   121 VIEWS IN 70 minutes Medford Police Department  WHERE: Alden Chambers, City Hall WHEN:  6 pm  WHAT: Medford Community Police Meeting WHY: Citizens Need the TRUTH from the Police, not their version of the spin! WHO: the 27 unnamed officers who were disciplined. Who are they? What did they do?...

State Police - Boston Globe 9-30-19 Mass. State Police is plagued with scandal. Lawmakers’ response? Crickets - The Boston Globe Shirley Leung 7-9 minutes While lawmakers have used their bully pulpits to publicly bash other officials and closely scrutinize other agencies mired in controversy, the state’s largest law enforcement agency has remained virtually unchallenged. Mass....

New Top 10 6:35 pm Last Day of September - People Want The Names of 27 Police Officers

It is confirmed. People WANT the names of the 27 Officers *Open Letter to Chief Buckley Flies to #2  This is of GREAT public interest. 27 COPS ARE DAMAGED GOODS!  _____________________________ A friend asked                                       "What good are they (the dishonest cops) to the department now?" Chief Buckley - 1:38 in...

Time for Change in Medford, Massachusetts

1,408,455 @ 6:34 pm 1,408,449 @ 6:13 pm      91,551 to one and a half million page views Crop Rotation! It's good for the soil.  It's great for progress. But Medford is stale with cronyism. If you aren't related to McGlynn or Burke or Clemente or Lebert or Sacco or Doherty or so many others, the door is shut in your face. Nepotism over Quality Or as Johnny says with Uncle Bob Maiocco - N E P H E W T I S M ________________________________ It's...

Official Quotes of Note

1,408 396@4:18 pm 1,408,376@3:52 pm 1,408,323@2:23 pm 1,406,231 @ 12:38 pm Former Detective J.J. McLean on this site: "Well written." City Solicitor Mark E. Rumley "poorly written..."blah blah blecch!  Rumley was quoting the Honorable Dan Wrenn in court papers.  Judge Wrenn, clearly, knew that the non-profit was scamming and yours truly won the case when Wrenn...

Open Letter to Police Chief Buckley

1,406,231 @ 12:38 pm  13 views in 11 minutes 1,408,218 # 12:27 pm  all-time page views 1,408,205 @ 12:11 pm AN OPEN LETTER TO MEDFORD POLICE CHIEF JOHN D. BUCKLEY 12:03 pm Monday 9-30-19 John D. Buckley 100 Main Street Medford MA 02155 Police Chief Buckley's shocking statement  is outrageous and incorrect.  "The officers of the...

What Are The Names of the Disciplined Police Officers in Medford?

1,408,094 @ 8:42 am We can learn from Italy Italy: New Law to Combat Organized Crime Takes Effect ... › Law Library › News & Events Jan 3, 2018 - These authorities must adopt measures to avoid prejudice to investigations carried out in parallel with other proceedings. (Id. art. 5(1)(c).).   Twenty-Seven Officers in Medford is a CONSPIRACY in my book.   Twenty Seven officers IS organized crime.   When...

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Dr Rabies Changes Sex and Finally Gets a Real Job ...and license to drive!

SEE IT: Children scream as allegedly drunk school bus driver behaves erratically  ...false alarm, it was actually the soon-to-be ex-mayor's husband drinking behind the wheel...Rabies was too busy upside down tangled up in his 2-wheely shopping cart thingy and fending off yet another meat cleaver...from yet another deranged woman in a wheel chair By David Matthews New York Daily News | Sep 29, 2019 | 6:42 PM htt...

Intervention: Someone Needs to get Ron Cox OFF of

Poor desperate Ronny, limited public figure that he is. These women on that he keeps meeting in this parody... Meat cleaver-wielding woman, 22, takes female, 43, hostage ... › news › article-7516493 › Meat-cleaver-wiel... 1 day ago - Shocking moment a meat cleaver-wielding woman, 22, bursts into a California police station and takes a 43-year female hostage before she is .....

36 days to Election November 5

Woman With a Meat Cleaver - Where Have You Heard this One Before?

1,407,909 @ 11:19 pm 121 since 8 pm, 199 minutes, 121 page views 19,762 past month views Violent Psychotic Women with a Meat Cleaver - so that's where Ron Cox finds his dates!!!! ? Woman threatened victim with 8-inch meat cleaver in California police station, video shows Woman threatened victim with 8-inch meat cleaver in California...

Burke Puts Family Interests Before Medford’s

1,407,800@8:35 pm As traitorous is Trump Burke, like Trump, puts her family interests before those of the city And that is wrong ...

Donato Sponsors Allegedly Dangerous Bill

1,407,704 @ 7:02 pm Sunday 1,407,686 @ 6:17 pm Sunday 9/29/19 Donato Sponsoring Allegedly Dangerous Bill? Website: On September 4, 2019, Senator Rebecca Rausch filed a bill titled “An Act Promoting Community Immunity” ...