Saturday, September 28, 2019

Where's The List (of Cops!) On my Facebook page

Jxxx, I filed a public records request for them. City Hall usually stalls so I file with Sec. of State - and the Sec of State's office knows Rumley's pattern of not giving the goods up until I request and request and request, but we WILL get the list. 

  I'm pressuring city hall to expedite things, it's a matter of "great public interest" and these are PUBLIC alleged servants. 

What I'm hearing from multiple sources are that these are senior "officers of the law" and should have known better. 

A quarter of the department and Muccini-Burke and Buckley knew nothing until Rumley stumbles upon it? 

If that's really the case they should all be removed for incompetence and not watching the ball. Terrible.