POLITICAL SPEECH: THE MOST PROTECTED RIGHT - PAUL DONATO, WHO SEXUALLY HARASSED 3 MINORS BY INAPPROPRIATELY TOUCHING FIEND MICHAEL MARKS IN FRONT OF THE KIDS on opening day of the TV station. Meanwhile Candidate Caraviello Committed Perjury in Criminal Court when he lost. Hold Rick Caraviello Accountable. Donato is backing Caraviello, get a chastity belt, Ric!! Send tips to Informationcentral2@gmail.com Mr Donato Needs to be Held Accountable, and that's our opinion - our political speech #MeToo
1,619,166@3:50 pm Why isn't that Dirty Rat Mackowski on the Brady List, Mr Internal Affairs Barry Clemente?
Derek Chauvin, officer arrested in George Floyd's death, has a record of shootings and complaints - sounds like a regular Stephen Lebert or his maniac uncle, doesn't it? Such low standards
Former Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin. (Ramsey County Sheriff's Office)
Derek Chauvin, the Minneapolis police officer arrested in the death of George Floyd, opened fire on two people during his 19-year career. Eighteen conduct complaints were filed against him, two of which resulted in reprimands.
The 44-year-old officer, who is white, is seen in a video kneeling on the neck of Floyd, a 46-year-old black man who later died. Chauvin was charged Friday with third-degree murder and manslaughter as violent protests raged across the country.
Cannabis, also known as marijuana among other names, is a psychoactive drug from the Cannabis plant used primarily for medical or recreational purposes. The main psychoactive component of cannabis is tetrahydrocannabinol, which is one of the 483 known compounds in the plant, including at least 65 other cannabinoids.Wikipedia
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