Monday, October 12, 2020

In 1487 the Aztecs Allegedly Killed 84,000 People Sacrificing them Purportedly to the Pyramid; Super Spreader Trump has killed 291,977....ugggh!

All Time 1711363  Today 488  Yesterday 462 

@ 5:42 pm Columbus Day 10-12-2020


 Sorry for this Republican slanted photo a friend of mine put on his page. What it proves, though, is that Super Spreader Trump killed more people with COVID than the Aztecs did. Trump has killed 291,977 as of 5:35 pm 10-12-2020, Columbus Day vs the 84,000 the Aztecs allegedly killed in 1487. Super spreader Trump is responsible for United States Coronavirus Cases: 8,029,540

Two wrongs don't make a right.

Columbus, of course, didn't step foot on Boston soil, did he? Look, it's an Italian holiday and we don't have to go back six hundred years to see hatred, turn on your tv to see that liar Lindsay Graham and that witch they are nominating to the Supreme Court....with the covid-infested super spreader Trump, killing more Americans than the Aztec people did.

You (my pal who posted the Aztec thing) aren't complaining about the Lord and Master Trump you bow down to, so why ruin an Italian holiday? For the 400th anniversary in 1892, following a lynching in New Orleans where a mob had murdered 11 Italian immigrants, President Benjamin Harrison declared Columbus Day as a one-time national celebration.[9][10] The proclamation was part of a wider effort after the lynching incident to placate Italian Americans and ease diplomatic tensions with Italy.[9] During the anniversary in 1892, teachers, preachers, poets and politicians used rituals to teach ideals of patriotism. These rituals took themes such as citizenship boundaries, the importance of loyalty to the nation, and the celebration of social progress, included among them was the Pledge of Allegiance by Francis Bellamy.[11][12][13][14]

Many Italian-Americans observe Columbus Day as a celebration of their heritage, and the first such celebration had already been held in New York City on October 12, 1866.[15] The day was first enshrined as a legal holiday in the United States through the lobbying of Angelo Noce, a first generation Italian, in Denver.[16] The first statewide holiday was proclaimed by Colorado governor Jesse F. McDonald in 1905, and it was made a statutory holiday in 1907