Saturday, November 14, 2020

At least the Republicans on Facebook are starting to understand the Damage of Donald Trump

1,731,100 all--time views at 6:10 am Nov 14

   268,900 to two million page views


 Perhaps, it's just that Rumsfeld, Cheney, McConnell are adept at the art of stealing, paving the way for that lunatic, Donald J. Trump to wreck everything in his selfish path. Watching both parties carefully we can see there are more flaws with the crooked Republican party...blaming both parties is throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Any unqualified person like Trump in the most powerful position in the world is going to upend civilization as we know it. That freak needs to be tried, convicted and given a life sentence just for his ignorance with Covid. With great power comes great responsibility and Trump is as irresponsible as he is crooked. You can't blame both parties for putting nitwits like Don Jr. Ivanka, Jared and Eric in such positions of power. Don't be silly. Blame both parties once you've removed the one individual who tore everything apart.