Less rational in her decision making and more unwilling” to listen to criticism. Not only a Texas Atty General hiring someone in a lurid...you know what...but right here in Medford!
Louis Evangelista
Patricia Gordon https://twitter.com/MCM_Medford
Breanna Muccini-Kerins: You two are on thin ice!
Louis Evangelista: Why?
Breanna: Do you see how many hits his news site has?
Patricia Gordon: But it's ALL scandal...mainly about me!
Breanna: I don't care...I want numbers, numbers, numbers...we're heading into an election year and I need to retain my seat
Louis (whispering) "good luck with that."
Breanna: What did you say?
Louis: I said Patricia and I will put our heads together to give you the best news in Medford, all Polyanna, Rose Colored Glasses, just like Trump wants
Patricia: (whispering) "And just like Trump you'll fail, I want Stephanie back.."
Breanna: Do I hear a mutiny here, let's get to work Louis, I need your blog to get NUMBERS, and Patricia you have zero public access producers following you and all riff raff...Neil Osborne is NOT an access TV producer...
Patricia: Well, why don't we copy news from his blog since it is so popular.
At this moment, 10:24 am on a Saturday 11/14/2020 look at his stats:
347 since 7 pm last night
Breanna: UGGGH, that's more than all the Twitter followers you have for 70 k a year
Louis: 1.731,214 all-time page views, he's 268,786 away from two million!
Breanna: I know, I know, I know
Patricia: and in the last 45 days a staggering Twenty Five Thousand, Eight Hundred and Thirty Seven
Breanna: Uggh...and that's a slow month and a half for him! Oh my God, what are we going to do, what are we going to do?
Louis: Well, Patricia has a good idea. Let's do stories SIMILAR to the blogsite and our numbers will pop up
Patricia: Yes, and since you're the TRANSPARENCY mayor let's get a little transparent.
What does he mean about a Corrupt Texas AG hiring a woman a powerful politician had an affair with and him recommending the concubine for a job!
Breanna: (Blurts out) Well, I wouldn't say concubine...(and then catches herself) WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? This is a TRANSPARENT city...I would NEVER hire someone lacking in qualifications because she may have slept with another politician I have to do business with if I want to be elected again!
Louis: Well, what about David Alexander? Wasn't he a political hire? The guy certainly has no political skills, and he needs to lose weight!
Breanna: Stop It Stop It Stop it. David needed a job and I believe in giving to the poor
Louis: But the dude lives in Peabody, Medford money goes north, what do YOU think Patricia?
Patricia: I resemble that...I mean, Freudian slip, I resent that. Next topic.
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