Saturday, November 14, 2020

Breanna Calls Meeting with Patricia Gordon and Louis Evangelista

Less rational in her decision making and more unwilling” to listen to criticism.  Not only a Texas Atty General hiring someone in a know what...but right here in Medford!

Louis Evangelista

Patricia Gordon

Why Breanna Doesn't Want a Professional Running the TV Station

 Breanna Muccini-Kerins:  You two are on thin ice!

Louis Evangelista:  Why?

Breanna: Do you see how many hits his news site has?

Patricia Gordon: But it's ALL scandal...mainly about me!

Breanna: I don't care...I want numbers, numbers, numbers...we're heading into an election year and I need to retain my seat

Louis (whispering) "good luck with that."

Breanna: What did you say?

Louis: I said Patricia and I will put our heads together to give you the best news in Medford, all Polyanna, Rose Colored Glasses, just like Trump wants

Patricia: (whispering) "And just like Trump you'll fail, I want Stephanie back.."

Breanna: Do I hear a mutiny here, let's get to work  Louis, I need your blog to get NUMBERS, and Patricia you have zero public access producers following you and all riff raff...Neil Osborne is NOT an access TV producer...

Patricia: Well, why don't we copy news from his blog since it is so popular.

At this moment, 10:24 am on a Saturday 11/14/2020 look at his stats:

347 since 7 pm last night

Breanna: UGGGH, that's more than all the Twitter followers you have for 70 k a year

Louis: 1.731,214 all-time page views, he's 268,786 away from two million!

Breanna: I know, I know, I know

Patricia: and in the last 45 days a staggering Twenty Five Thousand, Eight Hundred and Thirty Seven

Breanna: Uggh...and that's a slow month and a half for him!   Oh my God, what are we going to do, what are we going to do?

Louis: Well, Patricia has a good idea.  Let's do stories SIMILAR to the blogsite and our numbers will pop up

Patricia: Yes, and since you're the TRANSPARENCY mayor let's get a little transparent.

What does he mean about a Corrupt Texas AG hiring a woman a powerful politician had an affair with and him recommending the concubine for a job!

Breanna: (Blurts out) Well, I wouldn't say concubine...(and then catches herself) WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?   This is a TRANSPARENT city...I would NEVER hire someone lacking in qualifications because she may have slept with another politician I have to do business with if I want to be elected again!

Louis: Well, what about David Alexander?  Wasn't he a political hire?  The guy certainly has no political skills, and he needs to lose weight!

Breanna: Stop It Stop It Stop it.   David needed a job and I believe in giving to the poor

Louis: But the dude lives in Peabody, Medford money goes north, what do YOU think Patricia?

Patricia: I resemble that...I mean, Freudian slip, I resent that.  Next topic.

Breanna: Transparency, Community, INTEGRITY, Sunshine, Lollipops and Rainbows


Breanna: Thank GOD his next parody is about Chief Fruckley and Medford Indicted...this Transparency is too much for me to handle today.


The whistleblowers allege that Paxton met often with Nate Paul, an Austin investor, without his security detail, and accused him of abusing his office to “advance the legal and personal interests” of Paul, according to the Houston Chronicle. The whistleblowers said over time, he became “less rational in his decision making and more unwilling” to listen to criticism. The complaint also alleges that Paul employed a woman whom Paxton had an affair with and that Paxton had recommended for a job, according to the Statesman.