Saturday, November 7, 2020

Breanna's Unity - Pandemic - Democracy --- Racist Lisa Freaks Out that She Got an Autographed Photo of Kamala Harris

 1,726,949 @ 8:52 am

Breanna REALLY needs to put some UNITY in Motion with the way Trump has fractured our world

The Will of the People

Fox News anchors Bill Hemmer and Brett Baier have called the election for President Biden

Mitch McConnell stated the obvious in a Tweet this morning punching Trump in the face, hard.

McConnell knows that the Senate is at risk for the Republicans with the Georgia run off, where the Democrats very well can win on January 5th with Donald behaving badly. 

Donald is going to cost the GOP the Senate come Jan 5 and
Mitch KNOWS IT.   That's why he's freaking out.

Bill Maher and Vox magazine called the election for President Biden

Whining, weak loser Donald Trump is a disgrace in this moment

White House chief of staff Mark Meadows (Soprano) had also tested positive for the virus.  Trump infects his own and doesn't give a damn.
Steve Bannon's lawyers have dropped their client who called for the beheading of Dr. Fauci and a member of the FBI

"Republican politicians went to Nixon and told him it's time to go"  Willie on MSNBC notes, and that
Moscow Mitch and the powerful people at Fox News gotta tell Donald "bye bye."

Medford Republicans at "Medford United" (not very) and a woman named Lisa all trying to force their Trumpian lunacy on the rest of a blue city.  Go figure...logic they are sadly lacking in...

The trouble these women have started  a war with,  their "intellectual incoherency" Jonathan Lemier notes on MSNBC
about Trump (and by extension these looney-tunes gals) = a fractured community.

THIS is where Breanna has to flex her muscles and bring people together.

But will she?  Can she?   Breanna makes promises, and we see a thread of hate running through Medford
due to some reality TV host ruining our democracy.

Wall Street Journal editorial board, bright red, denounces Trump this morning

My friend Anthony has a clue, will he finally admit that he was wrong?

Trump makes it about himself, not the coronoavirus

The pro-Trump editorial board is whacking Trump hard.
The Wall St. Journal, Mitch McConnell, Fox News...they are turning on Trump

Will Medford's Trumpian few finally stop bullying us and admit the truth

That Joe Biden IS the much needed President 

...and (STATE THE OBVIOUS) that Trump sucks.

Send an autographed Kamala Harris photo to racist Lisa and watch her freak out.

How the hell is Breanna going to unify us with that on the table?

It's time to step up, Breanna.  You're the one who ran on unification, well, here's the news flash:

 it's time to unite us