Saturday, November 14, 2020

Bunking with Bernie - a parody poem

 Bunking with Bernie

Ol' Swastika Head, stretched out on a gurney

the Authorities will have him Bunking with Bernie

While an election ousts a thug and frees up a nation

A local reporter heats up this new investigation

The fat city councilor, which one, you ask?

Will have a limo ride to Riker's, 

that's an easy task

His new diet will consist of Ken L ration

And they'll be dancing in the streets upon

Jack Buckley's resignation

welcome to the Breanna Lungo-Koehn poetry corner

This poem, obviously, was not written by Breanna


Because it's funny!

Breanna wasn't available to compose this masterpiece

She was seen visiting a fat city councilor at Riker's and throwing him some treats

"Here Rick...fetch!"