Saturday, November 7, 2020

Ding Dong the Trump is GONE - a lengthy editorial on bringing our community and nation together

1727240 @ 4:48 pm 11/7/2020


To our Republican and Moderate friends. Are we able to talk in a civil and friendly way? 

That is the hope There is great disappointment when Trump "hired" the fraud "ringer" Louis  DeJoy to disrupt our U.S. Post Office to DENY people medicine, money and a legitimate mail-in-ballot during a pandemic. Great disappointment in our Republican brothers and sisters - and the independents who are hardcore Republicans but ashamed to say it - that they would endorse theft of the U.S. Mail to interfere in our sacred right to vote, the cornerstone of American Democracy.

Democracy that men and women died for, yet some in Trump's camp are under the delusion that an unfairly voted Supreme Court, which is hardly reflective of all of America, would mess with a valid election. 

So we have a pandemic and some reality TV host, Trump, tells America not to trust the post office. But even worse, and more un-American, he employs some fraud supporter unqualified to be head of the USPS. Democrats have to go out and get MORE voters to sign up and do their civic duty because Republicans have cheated with hanging chads and liars like Rush Limbaugh, Tucker Carlson, that awful Laura Ingraham, Anne Coulter, Sean Hannity, all lacking in credibility but making millions and laughing all the way to the bank. Laughing at their viewers, not with them, and when those hosts get caught they say "Well, we're not news; we're entertainment." 

 They have a deleterious effect on our ability to vote.

Judge Emmett Sullivan blasted Postmaster General Louis DeJoy ...(who) may have to testify under oath about his agency’s failure to follow court orders to avoid delivery disruptions for mail-in ballots during the election. " So while people on this page are screaming lies about progressive votes, lies that the courts keep dismissing as frivolous cases, none of the Trump supporters will come to DeJoy's defense. Because he was crooked and denied medicine, monies and votes on behalf of crooked Donald J. Trump.

Trump's divisive lunacy hurt America. Now that the sexual harasser / puppet of Putin who was impeached is dethroned, now that America has completed the impeachment, are some of you going to mimic pathetic Laura Ingraham and her condescending fibs, or can we discuss things like adults? Hope springs eternal, and God Bless Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. It's a new dawn and we escaped the uncomfortable handiwork contrived and exacted on this population by the nepotism and Trump's disregard for all that is fair. Ivanka, Jared, Eric, Don Jr, it will be much too soon if I ever hear those disgusting, unprincipled names again. A bunch of losers who took advantage of America. Lock them all up when the Southern District Court of New York comes down on their daddy, and disgraceful AG Barr along with them. Turnabout is fair play when you are on the side of righteousness. I'm disgusted that we had to put up with four years of hatred and division. Let the logic kick in and don't let some clown from the Apprentice dictate to you disruptive and bullying activities perpetrated on people who should be your helpful friends and neighbors.

This monumental election is essential to heal America.It has INSPIRED and DELIGHTED ME. You should be inspired and delighted as well. Ding dong the witch is dead, the wicked witch, the crooked witch.