Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Election Fairness

 Look for THE KEY: Fairness in Politics, Fairness in Government So there are missing mail-in ballots because Trump installed a hack to run the post office knowing Democrats voted that way during the pandemic. How can Americans feel good about themselves when some individual breaks the rules and admits to it?

What about the MILITARY VOTE that Trump does NOT want counted?
I believe it was the Lt. Governor of Pennsylvania who noted that the Republicans held them back from counting the votes 24 hours before election day which Georgia was allowed. Now Republicans are screaming "Where's the vote" when they DENIED early counting. The hypocrisy of the Republican party is un-American and wrong. Biden has 35,000 and climbing in Michigan, Fox News called Arizona for Biden and Trump is furious. So here's the KEY, Donald Trump was screaming at 2 am "STOP THE ELECTION" like Don Ameche in Trading Places when he and Ralph Bellamy realized that their scam had been uncovered. So Trump wants to shut down the counting in Pennsylvania but he wants the votes counted in Nevada and Arizona (where Fox News has called it for Biden.) Fairness. We want Fairness. The deceptive business practices of the national Republican party - holding mail so that Biden's votes wouldn't be counted (it is BACK in court right now with multiple articles about ballots missing etc.) So America, do we want fairness or some reality TV host stealing our DEMOCRACY?