Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Evidence for Breanna to Accept the Resignation of Unprincipled Medford Police Chief John "Brady" Buckley


Police Chief Jack Buckley and Mayor Lungo-Koehn's imitation of Leo Tolstoy, (Tolstoy Leo...not Sacco,) and their combined 1,225 pages of War and Peace --- Buckley's 14 page rant and Breanna's hiring of Carmen Milagros Ortiz and her voluminous report - can't erase the fact that Medford has more Brady-listed officers than any other city in Middlesex County.

That is the idea behind their written malarkey that produces no significant change to protect the public.

My stating the obvious is why they loathe my writings.   The Mayor and the Chief attempting to dupe the public is phony transparency and insults the intelligence of every taxpayer, business person and transient inside and outside the city borders.

Generating allegedly misleading "reports" is a wonderful distraction, and proof that Medford is still covering for bad city employees and that a new mayor, and a new police chief, are more interested in deceiving residents to keep the same/old same/old in place.

It's a disgrace.

How about some hard evidence?    Dec 1, 2015: After I, Joe Viglione, filed a complaint on Stephanie Burke's husband, court clerk Brian Burke for violating the canon of ethics (he called me a motherfucker  (he called me a motherfucker in front of dozens of witnesses while I was legitimately videotaping 10/5/15 at the Chevalier, in violation of that canon of ethics,) and after I filed a public records request on allegations of a powerful politician's daughter allegedly having an affair with a varsity coach, the police colluded (cooperate in a secret or unlawful way in order to deceive or gain an advantage over others) and conspired to attack the reporter with a malicious "witness intimidation" charge. 

Filed by Kevin Faller under the direction of Paul Mackowski and approved by Paul Covino.   You know Kevin Faller, last November 2019 listed as "internal affairs" when he told me he hadn't been in that position "for years" and that Barry Clemente now held the post.    The fact that Chief Buckley's police is so secretive with the public - feigning as incompetent - so that the police website has a previous internal affairs officer listed rather than the new one is just the tip of the iceberg here, according to this long-time reporter's evaluation, based on information and belief.

I'm looking at the bogus police report now.  You see, after Mackowski threatened the victim of ex-Clerk Ed Finn's violent attack on or about June 15, 2015 (gee, two months before Stephen Lebert was exposed after all the malarkey Leo Sacco engaged in to hide Lebert's lengthy list of "alleged" crimes and bad behavior) I, of course, did the smart thing and got legal advice.  I dropped  my case against Finn so that I could speak freely up to the election about that horse's ass Richard F. Caraviello.  Horse's ass being the politest thing I can say about that unethical, pathological liar Rick Caraviello with his stream of 7 allegedly failed corporations and his ignorance in every photo-op he can engage in, the fool.  Anyone thinking Caraviello is anything more than an embarrassment to Medford needs a good psychiatrist. He's dishonest and the city finances are in his unclean hands, but I digress.

March 8, 2017 the Medford Transcript wrote this about the result of Mackowski/Covino/Faller's phony / bogus police report "alleged harassment and intimidation of Medford City Council president Rick Caraviello that occurred after an incident at City Hall in the summer of 2015, was thrown out of Cambridge District Court on Jan. 31 when a judge decided that the prosecution did not have a legitimate case."

Detective Mackowski and Caraviello were absurd with their testimony to the court, and Judge Michelle Hogan - previously no friend of mine in the TV3 cases denying discovery (Judge Gailey replaced her) - became my hero tossing their sorry asses out of court, those lying, sleazy, failed public servants.

You want the Public Trust, Chief Buckley?  

I'm living proof that your Brady-infested Keystone Cops routine is both illegal and illogical.  Why aren't Faller, Covino and Mackowski on the Brady list?  Simple - they got away with it and never prosecuted Ed Finn for failing to show up, under subpoena, to criminal court where, I believe, had they enforced the law, we could have gathered evidence that Finn and Caraviello are the criminals...along with Mackowski, Faller and Covino, all names on the bogus police report (play the movie CITY HALL, based on real life incidents in New York, to see how creepy 100 Main Street behaves.)  

Run on sentence intentional as all of the above should be sentenced, their sentences to run consecutively, if Chief Brady-Buckley had an honest bone in his body, which he does not.

Shall we get to the bogus charges filed in ultra sleazy Somerville District Court, home of disgraced magistrate Robert "Ted" Tomasone, whom this writer warned the citizenry about a decade before he got bounced for using his secretary to steal time from the taxpayers to operate his non-profits...

How did some unknown Somerville court clerk sign off, as Covino did, on this bogus power play to drain my finances and attempt to embarrass me when it was to be held in Cambridge District Court?    

And Buckley wants the PUBLIC TRUST and in Leo Sacco/Mike McGlynn fashion, is dismissive to the needs of the residents.  

In his arrogance, Buckley is purportedly very unpopular within the walls of 100 Main Street.  A stain on the city and the very flower of corruption that is exemplified by D.A. Marian Ryan's disclosure list, rife with Medford police officers of the outlaw.



Oh Buckley can dismiss valid criticism the way his predecessor, nefarious Leo A. Sacco, Jr. would come up with attacks on victims, abusing the platform and failing to abide by his oath of office.   Officer Lee's victim of his assault (Leo said "the woman has issues," of a victim!! ?????,) disgraced officer Stephen Lebert's many victims - Leo already had the smear machine working against "Mike" from Malden - y'know, the guy Lebert threatened to put a "hole" in his "fxxxng" head-  until the dashcam video went viral...I had already heard the smears ("This guy's done that before") so typical of a corrupt police department blaming victims while coddling crimes committed by police officers from Shawn Hughes to Shawn Norton, James Lee, Greg Hudson (from allegedly strangling his wife to seeking prostitutes,) and the marvelous 2015 Medford Transcript report on Stephen Lebert's many, many sins, along with the brutal beat-down of a Woburn resident by Lebert's uncle. Sick.  


“The Medford Police Department is committed to achieving the highest standards in ethical conduct. We will implement continuous training on ethics and leadership to guide our behaviors and decision making processes. Our goal is to exceed the standards of public expectation.” 

Journalist Joe Viglione Responds:   Shawn Hughes and the late Greg Hudson allegedly strangled their this exceeding the standards of public expectation?

Officer James Lee engages with a woman, Lisa, who he is having an affair with behind the back of his wife.  The politically connected Lee whacks her in the mouth so hard she had multiple stitches.  Why didn't he just walk away?  Why was he cheating on his wife and kids?

Officer Shawn Norton, drunk driving, slams into a firefighter's car in Reading, allegedly.  His conduct hardly exceeded the standards of public expectation, but he did get a promotion, didn't he?  Double standards, Jack, double standards.

from Buckley's Boring 14 pages:
5 In keeping with this long term goal, the new policy outlines standards of conduct that officers and employees are required to follow. 

These standards of conduct are very common in policing today. It is the purpose of the policy to provide specificity to the standards of conduct embodied in the law enforcement officer’s code of ethics and the Medford Police Department’s statement of values and mission, so that all officers and employees have a clear understanding of the department’s expectations pertaining to conduct and activities while on and off duty. As written in the policy, officers are given clear guidelines on expectations with regard to conduct

Code of Ethics?

The Faller/Covino/Mackowski Code of Ethics...abusing their position of power and failing to serve the public that pays them.