Sunday, November 8, 2020

Geraldo Rivera and Fox having a MELTDOWN

Where's the LOGIC, Geraldo?   

Geraldo took a photo with me backstage at the Apollo Theater in New York in to see him at 9:35 am on Fox News "infuriated" at the "treatment" of that jackass Donald Trump is regrettable.   We know Geraldo is putting on a show, we get that, but c'mon, man!

Wonder if Geraldo is going to rip up my photo now....ha ha ha ha ha

Back to Tony's site

Creepy Lukey has no facts, so he just makes 'em up!

oh my God, you going there? Louis DeJoy Louis DeJoy Louis DeJoy. Trump ignored the fact that Republicans used to use mail-in, and so he went after mail-in where you have to sign your name. You are so wrong, Lukey...when I voted in advance I had to sign my name to an envelope. You guys are really pissed that Trump couldn't steal it this time. You block out all logic and like Tony live in a bubble of no logic and no facts. Trump has ALWAYS been a loser that gamed the system. That you fell for the con artist says more about you than about Trump. We already knew what he damn good. Good riddance to bad rubbish. This is delightful.