Sunday, November 8, 2020

Hey Tony, Part 3

 This Luke character on Tony D's site writes in a condescending tone. That's when you know that they've lost it.

 Bush and Trump elections had same rules, I don't see Luke M. and Tony yelling and screaming about no I.d. then? It's like Trump yelling STOP THE VOTE in PA and COUNT THE VOTE in Arizona, well they counted it Donny and you lost.

Tony D writes:

 It's amazing that these supposedly intelectual, educated,vomitous keyboard warriors out there always, without doubt, shove an article in your face to validate their baseless claim. However, the smart reader will do a quick check on the article and will summarily dismiss it as subjective propaganda.

Joe V responds

 Hey, Tony, I would love to have a discussion with you but your mind is closed to reality. Trump rigged it and the theft of the post office didn't work. That he's got you wrapped up and that he's the biggest loser is sad, we gave you more credit than that. But the bottom line is, Trump Lost, even Fox News called the election for Biden Trump is a loser and we are delighted to bring the news to you. As for an educated "voluminous keyboard warriors" I went to Suffolk University to learn about journalism and you've praised my L'Italien Report, D.A. Brady list if I'm right about Medford, you may want to consider the facts I present where you and Patricia and others present anger. Thank you. We are all Americans under Biden.

My letter to some Republican friends:

Yes, Trump rigged the election, and he lost, and his followers are complaining that it was "rigged" because Biden won it fairly, by getting out the largest collection of voters in the history of mankind.  

We had to get out more voters...because Trump had rigged it in his favor, flipping mail-in votes (once a Republican strength) to
Democratic voters (now our strength.)   

How did Trump originally get in?  Republicans modeled the election after Obama's campaign strategy.  That's right,
a racist like Trump stealing from a bi-racial president.

Remember in the film Die Hard when Bruce Willis blows up a floor of the building to send a message to the terrorists.
The looney police chief Dwayne whatever was complaining of the glass raining down instead of focusing on the fact
a cop was taking on the bank robbing terrorists who claimed that they weren't terrorists 

Willis:  Glass?   Glass?

As Covid 19 kills people, one of my lawyers losing his father in law (a friend of mine,) his mother (both due to covid) and his dad (a friend of mine, not from covid) ...all in the month of April 2020.  His father-in-law was a Medford resident I would drive to Winthrop for Thanksgiving and Christmas

"Gas?   Gas?"  Bruce Willis.  Tony is worried about GAS!

This destructive son of a bitch Trump destroyed America; Kamala and Joe will rebuild and care about Americans, not just Trump followers.  

I cannot believe the lack of logic...the total lack of it.

Judge Emmitt Sullivan is calling unqualified Louis DeJoy in front of him 

Trump is now being investigated for his staff's violations of the Hatch act vis-a-vis using the White House like his own personal whore, as a 'war room" projecting a false image that he owns it.  Like some banana republic.

Just because Trump orders people around, Tony, is no reason not to open your eyes and see reality, not through Trump's bubble

 Here are the facts on Trump's attempted coup, if you care to do some reading rather than lashing out at sanity

Yes, Trump rigged the election, and he lost, and his followers are complaining that it was "rigged" because Biden won it fairly,
by getting out the largest collection of voters in the history of mankind.

People are dancing in the streets that the Pied Piper's followers couldn't steal it from us (again) before they follow him off of the cliff


    Mary Trump celebrates Biden-Harris victory: 'To America. Thanks, guys'
BY JORDAN WILLIAMS - 11/07/20 10:52 PM EST
Just In...
Kushner has approached Trump about concession: report
 — 19S AGO 


Mary Trump celebrated President-elect Joe Biden’s victory on Saturday after he defeated her uncle in the race for the White House. 

President Trump's niece shared a photo on Twitter of her sitting on a beach wearing a Biden-Harris hat while holding a glass of champagne. 

“To America. Thanks, guys,” the caption read.  Remember Bruce Willis blowing up the building in DIE HARD to defeat the terrorists and
the looney police chief was worried about glass showering down

    •    Hey, Tony, We got out the MOST VOTERS in the history of mankind to remove Donny. Let me repeat: Yes, Trump rigged the election, and he lost, and his followers are complaining that it was "rigged" because Biden won it fairly, by getting out the largest… 

    • total hypocrites didn't complain about signatures when Bush stole the 2000 election:
    • Lukey Monopoly Money responds:
        Difference is real voters vs paper voters, with no ID and no signature verification. Its modeled after the Venezuela gold standard for voting systems.
      • I respond:   you didn't complain when the Trump and Bush elections had the same rules!
    •  oh my God, you going there? Louis DeJoy Louis DeJoy Louis DeJoy. Trump ignored the fact that Republicans used to use mail-in, and so he went after mail-in where you have to sign your name. You are so wrong, Lukey...when I voted in advaSee More

      • If you don't require ID and do not match the signature how do you know its a legally cast vote?
    Luke's response is "If you don't require ID blah blah blah
      •  JOE V RESPONDS TO LUKEY funny you didn't complain about that when Bush stole the 2000 election, did you? The only people stealing votes thus far are Republicans. Trump OWNS the court system and that system is rejecting each and every case. your silence on that is deafening. Meanwhile I'm having a blast, I am so THRILLED politically with a real president instead of some low brow con artist like Trump and his despicable creepy family using the presidency to pad their pockets. So ugly, so wrong, and you bought into it. Your silence on Ivanka's business with China is deafening.