Sunday, November 15, 2020

Life Outside of Medford Politics

 If you people think that writing is exhaustive, try taking screenshots of the variety of books that have quoted me over the years.  It's quite amazing, really. Along with the books I've contributed to.

Contemporary Country is interesting because I'm more of a rock critic but I believe my reviews of the legendary Kitty Wells along with Kenny Rogers, Olivia Newton John and others are in this wonderful read.

I've spent a lot of time today finding the books that have quoted me, as well as the books that published my articles / record / film reviews

So with so much literature out there do you think it is a waste of time to write about Medford?  No.

It is important to blow the whistle on how bad things are in the city of Medford, from City Hall to the Medford Housing Authority to the Medford Police Department.   Unlike the women in Medford and Malden who have gone on harassment sprees, this writer is published in many popular books with many more to come.

They read me...I ignore them.   What is truly sad is that rather than take a creative writing course, they publish stuff that is VERY difficult to get through. They have no "knack" for holding one's attention, just scribbling away, making no sense, and seething with anger and jealousy.   When people attack a talented man, it is actually in a bizarre way, a form of flattery, though what they do is illegal.  They wouldn't be fixated and obsessed with someone unless that person has something to offer the world.  Which I do...and they don't.

Imagine if it's a retired male police officer acting so petty and womany, some sissy who has nothing better to do but fixate on some guy he'll never have; a guy he won't be able to punch in the lip and abuse behind his wife's back.   Why?  Because I go out with kind, good-looking men, a category that clown has never and will never qualify for.


Some of the books I've written for are at the Medford Public Library and Woburn Public Library.

There are so many others out there that it's going to take weeks to track them down and put on my main website.