Thursday, November 5, 2020

Looks Like it's the END of the Trump Dictatorship....Desperate Donald Is Lashing Out, And Looks Like A Fool in the Eyes of the World

 1726123 @ 9:37 pm 11-5-2020


Republicans Fleeing the Madman!

You have to be a COMPLETE idiot to stay on the Trump train.

I mean we get it.

Those who can't spell simple words and have a hard time communicating make a god of Trump.

People with low self image seem to have an affection for the lunatic pied piper.

Great.  Rather than picking up an intelligent book to read they listen to the Liar and Thief.

Trump sucks.  He's the worst...horrible man.

Put Trump with Bernie Madoff and Richard F. Caraviello.  They should ALL be bunking together.

More about this soon.