Friday, November 13, 2020

Malignant Corruption at Medford Police Department Covered Up by Unprincipled Government Officials and Systemic Greed

 It is Greed that Drives the Gerry Clemente-like theft of the law in Medford

When you see Kevin Faller, Paul Covino and Detective Paul MacKowski make a public file of a fraudulent police report, you see three pissed off public servants who should be behind bars, not wearing badges and carrying guns.

The most Brady-infested dishonest cops in all of Middlesex County, so why aren't Covino and Mackowski on The Brady List?    

The Chief, John D. "Brady" Buckley must resign.

But he's too selfish, arrogant and corrupt to do the decent thing.

See the weasel on the TV station Oct 1, 2019 to hear his lying lips defending the Cradock Bridge corruption before this publication outed him and the police with the L'Italien Report