Monday, November 9, 2020

McConnell and Republicans Plotting to REMOVE TRUMP: They Hate Him! HA HA CNN LIVE

 Word is on CNN that there's no love lost between the Republicans and Donald Trump

McConnell's one goal is to hold on to the Senate which is now in a very precarious state.

I think the Democrats will win in January and Kamala Harris will be the tie-breaking vote, however that's my opinion.

But Trumpster is done. Stick a fork in him.

China and Russia are posturing that they want Trump to stay but they know he's toast and are planning how they will work with the new leader, Prez Biden.

Donald Trump is an international embarrassment and the Republican party is at risk that the troublemaker will vent his anger at them now.

They are the only target the lunatic has left.


    EX PresidentTrump fires Defense Secretary Mark Esper - POLITICO › news › 2020/11/09 › trump-fires-d... 25 mins ago — Esper became defense secretary in July 2019, after Trump's intended nominee for the job, then-acting Defense Secretary Pat Shanahan

While Joe Biden is building a solid and smart Coronoa task force, ex PresidentTrump is firing the Secretary of Defense.

Please hashtag  #ExPresidentTrump

What a foolish move, endangering lives around the world.

How Stupid is Trump? At the Caraviello level?

Every bit as bad.