Monday, November 9, 2020

Police Chief RESIGNS over Calls to Hurt Democratic Voters in America...The Violent Trump Criminals

The Stupid Ones Resort to Violence.

Like two Medford police officers allegedly strangling their wives, another officer whacking his girlfriend (she wasn't his wife!) in the lips causing them to be stitched, another drunk and slamming into some firefighter's car...

Arkansas police chief resigns after calling for violence against Democrats

Lang Holland, who was police chief of the roughly 1,300-person city of Marshall, Arkansas, drew outrage from both local residents and people around the country after making ominous comments online in recent days. In addition to repeatedly saying Democrats should be killed, he shared memes from conspiracy theory QAnon and claimed that the election was being stolen.
"Death to all Marxist Democrats," Holland posted on Parler, a new social media site popular with conservatives and used as an alternative to Twitter. "Take no prisoners leave no survivors!!"

One image he shared depicted a group of Democrats, including Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, wearing prison jumpsuits. Under the image he wrote: "I pray all those in that picture hang on the gallows and are drawn and quartered!!!! Anything less is not acceptable."