Sunday, November 15, 2020

The City of Medford's VERY LOW STANDARDS



If Breanna claims transparency, why am I filing so many public records requests, pray tell?


   Malfeasance festering at the Medford Housing Authority graces the pages of the Boston Globe, yet former AG Martha Coakley hands disgraced sheriff Jimmy DiPaola's brother-in-law Robert Covelle and his wife, the late sheriff's sister, slaps on the wrist.

    Martha's Malfunction and Medford's Malfeasance continue when wink wink wink you seem to find politicians abusing the Medford Housing Authority in a way that cheats Medford residents.

Such low standards.  And what has Breanna Lungo-Koehn done about the situation when she was oh-so-shocked that a sex offender had keys to every apartment.  Breanna, your apathy on the city council was one of the problems.  Now that you are mayor, your transparency is deafening when it comes to your failure to act on the crooked housing authority.



read my article in Modern Cop Magazine on the 117 officers on Marian Ryan's Disclosure list.   Guess which city is the most untrustworthy?   Medford, Massachusetts.

Corrupt ex police chief Leo "Sad" Sack-oh always has that sour puss when he's caught with his pants down.

Photo by Joe V., Editor

The massive Medford Transcript 2015 story on Stephen Lebert's ugly reign of terror, Sad Sacco making golly gee gosh apologies, the serpent-tongued office of the outlaw antagonizing victims as he protects wrongful conduct of his "family" of police officers, who are supposed to be YOUR protectors.

Violence Against Women?   Sacco sides with the bad officers, even proclaiming that there isn't a "blemish" on James Lee prior to him getting caught whacking his girlfriend in the mouth.  

An officer who took a vow with his wife, and broke it, also took an oath, and got probation for a violent act against a woman.

Blemish?  In the real world without protection from mobsters like McGlynn, Mark Rumley and other highly disreputable city employees, James Lee would have probably been prosecuted to the full extent of the law.  But he got away with it, as did (allegedly) Joe Sacco at the MBTA, the late Greg Hudson, Shawn Norton, Shawn Hughes, uncle Dickie LeBert, Stephen Lebert... and more.  You've got Paul Covino, Kevin Faller and Paul Mackowski conspiring to harm a victim of an assault on a senior by violent Ed Finn, with the dark overlords, McGlynn, Rumley and Sacco, rubbing their hands with glee at their own shameful, illicit acts.


James Lee, not walking away from conflict but being a big participant in it. Didn't Sacco say the woman has "issues," just as he downplayed Ms. McMillan's claims against Stephen Lebert.  Oh, gosh, golly gee, she was right.  Ed Finn skating on the assault of a senior citizen, the police harassing the victim on multiple occasions, and Breanna Lungo-Koehn acting like a fool and going along with the illegitimate and dangerous-to-the-public program in place for decades.

One of Sacco's sons has a job with the MBTA, file under To Swerve and Neglect, his other son, with the MPD, revealed at a city council meeting that he's a narcotics detective.  How arrogant, now the dealers in town know who he is.   Splendid.

The City Council of Medford, not the most honorable group of vipers, descended on the snake pit that was 100 Main Street and they condemned the building.   What a metaphor!  If the McGlynn administration let the building go, what the hell do you think McGlynn and his cronies did with dishonest and/or violent cops.


Roy E. Belson joked to a new hire "Joe thinks I hide sexual predators at the high school."  NO, Roy, we know you have them in plain site, and it is repulsive.

His successor, Dr. Marice Edouard-Vincent allegedly hired someone without a CORI check, where have you heard that before, Bob Covelle?  Allegedly frog-marched out of the school system (see story elsewhere on this news site, gotta love those public records requests) the word on the street that convicted rapist Jenna Tarabelsi was red-flagged from her days at Arlington Catholic High.  Belson denied that he knew in advance what our sources told us.  Really, Roy?  Mickey the Dunce doesn't wear well on you, the sharp and very aware Belson knows all, a shark that allegedly preyed on Medford's children by allowing such disreputable teachers in to the building. 


It's 12:09 am, November 16th.  We've got plenty of info on the DPW including information from Brian Kerins that a public records request obtained.  Missing manhole covers, alleged Osha violations, a union guy in a high position at DPW (how does that happen) allegedly asleep when he was supposed to be out plowing, it's a disaster over there.  Allegedly

Why the VERY LOW STANDARDS in Medford?

And with a new mayor, WHY the VERY LOW standards in Medford?

If Breanna claims transparency, why am I filing so many public records requests, pray tell?

to be continued