Thursday, November 12, 2020

The Trump Loons are OUT IN FULL FORCE on Facebook...sheeesh

 Why say "Democrats" instead of "voters" - NPR’s Mary Louise Kelly slapped Mike Pompeo's foolishness right down when she wrote: "@NPRKelly Nov 10 Might Pompeo point us to a state on the map where there's evidence of widespread voter fraud?" What is implausible is how Trump followers accept the garbage without using any logic. He wanted to keep the votes counting in Arizona (Biden gains more) and stop the votes in Pennsylvania. Whatever drools out of Trump's unclean mouth is nonsensical. Why didn't (William in his comment) and (Daniel in his comment) demand recounts when Hillary Clinton had almost 3 million more votes than Trump? I mean, really, you can't slant it one way because some reality TV host was thrashed thoroughly. COVID-19 is raging after Trump's rallies and his White House fiascos -- why aren't you people complaining? "As of Wednesday morning local time, the Democrat has received 77.27 million votes from across the US compared to 72.18 million for Mr Trump, according to the Cook Political Report, a non-partisan analyst." There was voter fraud committed by Louis DeJoy and Trump when Trump ranted not to use mail-in ballots (something - reportedly - that Republicans did more than Democrats in previous years) with Judge Emmit Sullivan slamming DeJoy for not delivering all the mail (and medicines and money to seniors; shame on Trump.) So despite the disadvantage of Trump rigging the election, which is fact, he loses big time and his supporters listen to the malarkey that it was rigged against Trump. Duh. Because Trump lost in spectacular more than 5 million votes and climbing. I don't understand why Daniel doesn't do the simple math's a waste of resources to count again, unless you want to count all 50 states, Daniel. So you want to count where Trump lost? Maybe Biden won Texas, shouldn't we have a recount there? Betcha there are tens of thousands of mail-in votes from Democrats that Trump threw away in Texas...just can't have it both ways.