Saturday, November 14, 2020

Who Do You Have to Screw in Medford To Get on these Boards and Commissions?

1,731,296 @ 2:07 pm 

Same old / Same old under Breanna Lungo-Koehn, Nothing has Changed


(if you are politically connected you will be chosen, if you have qualifications and care about your city, you're screwed, do not even apply - editor Real Medford Mass Politics)

by Jackie Piques
Commission for Persons with Disabilities, Human Rights Commission, Traffic Commission, and OPEB Trust Board seeking Medford residents for open positions.
Residents of all backgrounds and abilities encouraged to apply.
The City of Medford is currently accepting applications from Medford residents to serve on one of four City Boards & Commissions.
Residents who are interested in serving on any of the boards and commissions below should complete the Board and Commission Interest Form available at Forms should be submitted via email to Neil Osborne, Director of Diversity & Inclusion, and Acting Director of Human Resources, at, or by mail to the Personnel Department at City Hall, 85 George P. Hassett Drive, Medford, MA 02155. Residents of all backgrounds and abilities are strongly encouraged to apply. Medford city services are available to all residents, regardless of economic situation, race, gender, ability, benefit eligibility, or religious affiliation.
In addition to the boards and commissions below, residents are always encouraged to submit letters of interest. Should vacancies become available on any city board or commission in the future, we will contact you for opportunities within your area of interest.
Commission for Persons with Disabilities
The Commission for Persons with Disabilities is seeking a Medford resident to fill one vacancy.
The mission of the Commission for Persons with Disabilities is to provide persons with disabilities equal opportunity and access to, as well as participation in, education, employment, and public and private services in the City of Medford through advocacy, awareness and enforcement.
The Commission normally meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month (except July and August) at 5:30 p.m. Commissioners serve either 1-, 2-, or 3-year terms, appointed by the Mayor.
Human Rights Commission
The Human Rights Commission is currently seeking a Medford resident to fill one existing vacancy.
The mission of the Human Rights Commission is to protect the civil rights of Medford residents, reinforce a positive community atmosphere, work with community groups and agencies to educate, promote understanding to eliminate prejudice and intolerance, and to mediate within the community whenever needed.
The Commission normally meets on the second Wednesday of each month (except July and August) at 5:30 p.m. Commissioners serve either 1-, 2-, or 3-year terms, appointed by the Mayor.
Traffic Commission
The Traffic Commission has exclusive authority to adopt and amend rules and regulations of the general laws related to the movement, stopping, standing, or exclusion from the streets and ways of the city. The Traffic Commission holds monthly meetings that hears requests from citizens on any parking or traffic issue as well as any major traffic construction projects within the City of Medford.
The Commission consists of the Chief of Police or their representative, the Public Works Director, the Director of the Office of Community Development, and two persons to be appointed by the Mayor. Commissioners are appointed to two year terms.
OPEB Board
The OPEB (Other Post-Employment Benefits) Board of Trustees is seeking three Trustees, all appointed by the Mayor. Trustees serve five-year terms.
Other Post-Employment Benefits are medical and dental insurance benefits provided to the City’s retirees. The other post-employment benefits to the City’s employees should be planned to fund the long-term cost of the benefits promised to retirees. The OPEB Board works with the City to develop a formal funding plan.
Medford Housing Authority Board (resident representative appointed by Mayor)
The City is seeking to appoint one Medford resident to a position on the Medford Housing Authority’s Board of Directors. Applicants must be residents of an MHA-managed building. Though the City does not oversee the MHA or its buildings, by statute, the Mayor appoints one resident member to the Board of Directors.
Medford city services are available to all residents, regardless of economic situation, race, gender, immigration status, ability, benefit eligibility, or religious affiliation.