Thursday, November 14, 2013

Councilor Lungo-Koehn took our advice on TV3 and came out on Top

Medford's Most Fun and Informative News Service!

Lungo Koehn cites TV3 fight as one of the reasons she was re-elected!

“I think the last year or two years, I’ve fought pretty strong and been pretty vocal with regards to the winter parking ban, TV3 and the Medford Housing Authority scandal,” said Lungo-Koehn. “I’m not afraid to say how I feel about things I feel are for the betterment of the city and the voters.”
Editorial Note:

This writer advised the Council to make TV3 a huge issue in the campaign.  The re-election of Councilors Lungo-Koehn, Penta, Marks and Caraviello had more to do with their stance against the corrupt access station than the cronies at MCC TV3 ever realized until it was over.  
It was I who DEMANDED the Council stand up and fight when the council decided NOT to go after TV3 back in March of this year.

It was my DEVOTION to the Issue telling the Councilors to show some SPINE and Stand up to the bullies that paid off HANDSOMELY for the incumbents who took my advice.
Lungo-Koehn noted the danger at a council meeting of taking on the individuals, led by the former webmaster now in the court system on a charge of a false bomb threat.

Notice to the courts: That individual has had a history of vindictiveness and troublesome psychology.    

It took the integrity of one citizen to fight to banish the cronies forever.  

The councilors are on top.

The cronies - with the weather-beaten face of Ronald Delucia as the poster boy of malfeasance, is all you need to know about how soundly we have defeated Frank Pilleri's gang of thugs.

The councilors Pilleri and his rancid crew were hell-bent on defeating got re-elected.  Pilleri's sick and twisted endorsement of some candidates and besmirching others, in violation of 501c3 rules, is going to be a huge part of our argument for justice to be served.

The first element we are bringing to the authorities is the BREACH OF CONTRACT by TV3.  I will speak more about this at the city council next week.

The second element is the huge salary for a part time staffer.

The third is the intentional violation of the internal revenue code.

There is a TON of EVIDENCE against TV3, as one of the oversight agencies saw in a lengthy e mail sent out today.  But for the purpose of the council meeting the focus will be on something simple and easy for residents to digest:

1)TV3's board of directors violated the agreement with impunity.  These were not just little violations, they were huge.

2)The salary is a big problem.  How do you pay someone 45K for 2 hours a week?

3)Intentional Violation of Internal Revenue Code


The City Council will have more documents and more to consider.

The obligations of the Issuing Authority need to be reassigned to another body.  Taken away from an incompetent Mayor (leadership that lacks, McGin! - as in "have another drink McGlynn") and to the 7 person City Council

That's why Comcast and Verizon got a letter today.

That's where this is headed. 

Don't think the arrest of the former board member is not going to play a big part in the argument to remove the seat of power that McGlynn sits on in regards to P/E/G access.

McGlynn is too conflicted, and the authorities are getting an earful on that! 

Look at what the critics are saying about the leader of the opposition:

"He's a tough act to  follow"
Ron Delucia, disgraced vice president of failed access TV corporation  11-12-13 at Council

"He knows how to string a sentence together"
Doria Alberg, wife of disgraced clerk of the embattled and dissolved tv station.

Hopefully the sentence that the authorities are allegedly stringing together for the false bomb threat alleged perpetrator will be a very long one, Doria!