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We the People
If You're Getting Flak, you must be over the target. Medford citizens need to get "obsessed" over the hundreds of thousands of dollars, millions of dollars, actually, that have not properly been accounted for. We know that Stanley Komins had a court date on November 7th in the "discovery" phase of the impending trial against him for approximately $180,000.00 or more of West Medford Hillside Little League monies. Yesterday in Somerville District Court there was a date scheduled for the webmaster of a now-dissolved non-profit. That individual is on record receiving funds while sitting on the board of directors of the non-profit - one thousand dollars in 2005 according to the Rumley Report dated February 10, 2008
Since there are no meeting minutes we do not know if the three board members accepting dollars actually voted for themselves to receive these monies, cable TV subscriber funds paid to a now-dissolving non-profit. The fact that board members taking money was of interest to the City Solicitor and to the Mayor - the Issuing Authority - is worthy of note. If there was no problem with it, Solicitor Rumley wouldn't have made an issue of it, turning his report in to the Mayor/Issuing Authority as well as retired judge Marie O. Jackson-Thompson. The webmaster also received monies from politicians to promote themselves on the access TV channel while other citizens - enough to have two "evaluation hearings" in October and November of 2008 - five years ago - while other citizens were bullied out of the access TV station.
Along with the monies the former board member/webmaster/tv host received from the politicians, which might have been an extreme violation of the Internal Revenue Code barring individuals DIRECTLY or INDIRECTLY involved with the non-profit to participate in politics (this does not apply to hosts; it allegedly applies to board members, staff and independent contractors - especially an independent contractor who got paid when he was on the board of directors), that individual, the former webmaster, got approximately $8,600.00 a year. That's a lot of public money going to an individual who was entrusted with the MadeinMedford.com uploads for the PUBLIC access station, and who allegedly used that platform to commit an act that ended up in an arrest and arraignment (as noted on Patch) on September 4, 2013.
Let's be very clear about this: the individual uploading to Made In Medford.com, the part of Comcast's Project Open Voice that gives Medford residents another YouTube-type platform (Video On Demand is the other extension of Project Open Voice, where you can see this writer's video with a star from the New England Patriots until December 1, 2013), the individual uploading to the site, ostensibly on behalf of the public, mostly posted his own videos, including what the weekly paper, the Medford Transcript noted led to the arrest. Here is what the weekly paper published:
"The video, titled "Special Effects at 75 Station Landing" and posted on the Made in Medford website under Zapro Digital Media, notes the 18-second clip was made using a special effects video editor.
After watching the clip on Aug. 20, a marketing manager that works for National Development, which owns Station Landing, told police she interpreted the video as a threat, especially given the fact that a fellow employee had lost a leg in the Boston Marathon bombing in April."
It is time for the citizens to get "obsessed" with how our monies were allegedly abused. It is our money, and we'd like to know how every nickel was spent. Keep in mind, the individual who made the alleged threat has had a history of complaints starting with a co-host of a trivia show filing a complaint with Solicitor Rumley, an autistic man upset with derogatory sexually degrading blogs aimed at him, and even a police report of harassment on April 27, 2010 that the Mayor received personally on April 28, 2010. Had City Hall done a little bit more than Council President Robert A. Maiocco phoning the police AFTER receiving the police report and having witnessed it happening right in Alden Chambers, the alleged false bomb threat may have been averted, and public monies would have possibly been in more responsible hands.
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The failure of the board of directors of a non-profit to abide by the Agreement signed with the city, a signature required in April of 2005 but delivered in August of 2005 (the four months in-between key as the contract was supposed to run parallel with the agreement the city has with Comcast) was more than a red flag: it is evidence that what the Honorable Marie O. Jackson-Thompson (retired) noted was a closed club, a "private" enterprise she called "MCC Access." That was not the intent of the contract. Facilitating programming for the public, not just for the board and politicians who pay (note what happened to the politicians who DIDN'T pay! That troublesome Internal Revenue Code completely ignored!) and the small group of insiders who were questioned as to whether or not they were friendly with the perceived "enemies" of the non-profit.
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Which takes us to PATCH postings by one of the board members. That individual received $1,000.00 on 4/28/05, $1,000.00 on 7/8/05 and $1,000.00 on 8/19/05 according to Solicitor Rumley's Report - see page 9 on this link
That individual has every excuse why you should NOT see the meeting minutes, should NOT know how the publicly funded enterprise which Judge Murtagh noted in Superior Court was a PUBLIC access station, not the "private" enterprise operated by "private" people, the excuse one of the staffers claimed in an attempt to pull the wool over the judge's eyes (the judge voted in my favor, again, and the staffer DEFAULTED on the case, this was before another staffer had used tens of thousands of your dollars to sue in the same courthouse, and also lose - but - heck, who cares, it was YOUR money, not theirs)... So now the last remnants of the problem proliferate on Patch with their propaganda, but with no coherent explanation of how the monies oh so coincidentally went into the hands of board members while the color bars on Channel 3 on Comcast tell a different story.
So read all the rants the crony crew are littering the Patch with. Those blogs, chock full of misinformation, are another reason you should get angry and - obsessed - with where your money went.
Tonight is the City Council. Charter Change is on the horizon. If we are getting FLAK we must be over the target. Look at how defensive the anonymous names as well as the two from TV3 using their names have been. Look at the name-calling, the offensive nonsense and the defensive posture. Every rock they throw is actually about themselves.
We didn't put up color bars - indeed - the ex-board member outside agitator said that this volunteer should be doing ALL the public access work as a volunteer - which I've actually done. Their anger and jealousy is aimed at the individual who, along with taking the station down, was able to open the doors of access to local citizens for broadcast in Stoneham, Winchester and Malden and Arlington and Somerville, our surrounding communities.
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With all the mud they've thrown and all the excuses and all the propaganda one fact remains: citizens named Nick and Jeanne and Bob and Johnny and Anthony and many, many others have all appeared on my show; two Bestsellers authors were on my show, and city council meetings and everyday people and Kitty Connection and international film stars and directors appear and have appeared on my program.
You have been missing something in Medford. You are missing what you pay for, and what Arlington, Woburn, Winchester, Stoneham, Cambridge, Boston and thousands of other communities across the nation have and enjoy. That ex-board member is very angry that Patch won't allow his misinformation and his fiction/propaganda. The delete button is for a purpose: some anonymous posters who pry into your personal and professional life to take things out of context want to kill the messenger. One of the chief offenders was allegedly in a court of law yesterday. They have been very silent on that - and the reason is - they - as a board - did not do the right thing for the community. Wrongful conduct was enabled, and the echo of that wrongful conduct continues to litter Patch in an attempt to stifle the message. The message is this: the community deserves to see the meeting minutes and the financial records. The defensive posture of the litter on Patch only proves that they have something to hide.