Friday, November 11, 2016

A Message to the Customers of Alberg Financial Group ./ KDC

856,441 @ 1:17 pm

Dear Customers of Alberg Financial,
the company owned by Harvey Alberg with his wife Doria Pizzotti Alberg:

The editor of Medford Information Central is the victim of vicious cyber-bullying by Harvey A. Alberg and his equally vicious wife, Doria.
If you want to use the services of the bankrupt money manager, by all means, that is your choice. People voted for Trump and invested with Bernie Madoff, so - go right ahead - I won't get in the way of your decision.

However,  when a nasty individual who failed in his fiduciary obligations to the citizens of the city of Medford wants to give you financial advice, YOU have a right to ask Mr. Alberg a few questions. 

Here are some that you should ask Mr. Alberg before you put one red cent of your money at potential financial risk:

1)If you are a a "money manager" as your TV show stated, why did you go bankrupt?

2)What happened to your corporation EL CHEAPO'S?

3)What happened to your corporation Air Freight Technology?

4a)What happened to your corporation SAVANT TECHNOLOGIES

b)Why is the word "technology" and the word "technologies" attached to these corporations?  What technological prowess do you have?

5)Can we please see the meeting minutes and financial records of Medford Community Cablevision, Inc., the corporation that your wife said the public didn't really need?

No funny business.  Show us the meeting minutes and financial records - no double-talk, or we should consider another financial organization with less baggage.

6)You say on your web page: "

Harvey believes clients want a financial professional who understands them and their retirement goals. Working alongside his wife, Doria, of more than 14 years, he seeks to help small business owners"

Have you or your wife ever had tax liens?

If so, along with the bankruptcy, the fact that the city of Medford's council called you and your board members of MCC "sick" -why should we work with you?
7)You victimized a resident of Medford on a show called "Spotlight on City Hall" (with the resident not even being an elected official) and you victimized the city solicitor on a show called "The Chumley Report."  You were laughing at people like some kind of wild baboon - is this the kind of individual that calls himself a professional?

8)You went up to the city council defaming the person, then told a judge on October 31, 2016 that you were "trying" to get his show on the air, when the truth is it was Allison from Inside Medford trying to get the program aired (according to articles in the local paper) while you were being an obstructionist.  You lied through your teeth to the judge and to the city council.  Why should we work with you if that is true?

9)Do we risk getting dragged into court on what seems to be malicious abuse of process if we work with Doria and you, Harvey?

There are lots more questions - but your conduct and your temperament on those TV shows and your failure to give the meeting minutes and financial records allege possible deceptive business practices and far worse

10)The Attorney General's office claims "law enforcement" could be impeded in their investigation of MCC TV3 if they divulge information, yet in papers signed under oath you claimed you 

KDC Financial*  Not sure if KDC Financial is the same KDC Financial Albeg is alleged to be involved with.


KDC Financial Corporation

Additional Locations
Harvey Alberg's despicable "story" is a pack of lies.

From Harvey Alberg, who threw rocks at residents of Medford who asked questions about Medford Community Cablevision, Inc.


December 08, 2014
I believe in standing up for myself when necessary. Over the past several years, I have been the victim of cyberbullying online