Saturday, March 11, 2017

Was Varsity Coach alleged "victim" ever arrested for a drunken' binge?

Daddy's Little Trollop allegedly got into trouble with alcohol.

The Apple Doesn't Fall Far From The Tree, does it? - if allegation is true!!!    See story below:
Confidential sources are RIPPING at Medford City Hall, and there was a discussion with this reporter about a young girl who was then about sixteen or seventeen, according to reports who, allegedly "got into (serious) trouble with alcohol."


This is the same young lady (and we use the term "lady" carefully) who allegedly was in an illicit affair with a now disappeared (try some Cambridge school maybe...) VARSITY COACH who was reportedly a star athlete in a town three towns away from Medford.

And for our readers, let me say this, they are buzzing about the varsity coach and the "young lady," ahem, in Burlington, Woburn, up further north, and beyond as well as in Medford.

IF Muccini-Burke, then Director of Personnel, and Superintendent Belson, and Chief Leo A. Sacco, Jr. and a court clerk of Middlesex Superior Court, and the Medford School Committee did hush up the alleged crime, Richard Nixon, they certainly didn't do a good job of it.

A highly influential individual (not one of the usual suspects) saw me a few months back at City Hall and said to me "YOU ARE LUCKY THEY HAVEN'T KILLED YOU" (for investigating this story, which that individual was also quite familiar with.)

NOW, with SO MANY people BUZZING about the allegations against a varsity coach and the aforementioned reprobates who call themselves Medford "city officials," you just KNOW that in Election 2017 Stephanie Muccini-Burke will have to answer to why she gave Officer Jimmy Lee such a light sentence, and why this incident of alleged illicit sex between a teacher and a student was allegedly swept under the rug.


Did the young female student, allegedly an athlete, get involved in a serious drinking incident and was THAT covered up as well.

You just KNOW THAT I HAVE ADDITIONAL JUICY TIDBITS that we simply cannot reveal just yet

But know this:   MULTIPLE sources tell me that fat boy Richard F. Caraviello was used by city hall to go after me with his phony complaint because of my December 3, 2015 Public Records Request to Police Chief Sacco and Superintendent Roy E. Belson.

Now, here's a nice little novelty you CAN try at home and on the road, you can send a PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST to the Police Chief and the Superintendent of Schools and ask for Joe Viglione's Dec. 3, 2015 PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST and their responses!!


YES, you see, MY PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST is now a PUBLIC RECORD that they can't throw away.  That's how we keep them honest...which is an impossibility but we can dare to dream!!!!

So if you want FALSE CHARGES of Witness Intimidation filed on YOU courtesy of alleged "officers" of the law, Paul Mackowski and Paul Covino of the illicit law offices of Paul And Paul, Reprobates, LLC, just send that public records request on my public records request and they will RUN, not walk, to Somerville District Court and get a phony hearing with a phony magistrate (probably Perjuring Magistrate William G. Farrell himself who should be in jail with ex clerk Jim Burke - the one who had sex with a prostitute IN Chelsea Court, Judge Judith Fabricant, (who doesn't seem to be paying much attention to the repugnant behavior of court clerks, now does she?)  they will have a fake hearing either in Somerville or Cambridge District Court with Bob Pacheco, another doozy of a clerk, they just won't tell you which court they had the phony hearing in to press false charges...God knows that I've asked, and in Somerville Court they told me the "initials" on the document - BP - were from Cambridge Court, and - voila - a Bob Pacheco works there.

So they will have a phony hearing behind your back, rush through false charges, and then, after you pay thousands for a lawyer and are victorious, get this - fat boy Rick Caraviello and Fat Head Mark E. Rumley (not alleged fat head, definite egotistical, crude fat head Mark E. Rumley) will then send deranged e mails to your victorious attorney which I just add to my RETIREMENT FUND file as I am now in the process of interviewing lawyers to SUE THEIR ASSESS OFF for the fraud, negligence and failure to perform their real duties.

YOU can look forward to that.

Meanwhile, to Daddy's Little Trollop, for your punishment, come to church with me.  We don't believe in alcohol or other 

plural noun: pharmaceuticals
  1. a compound manufactured for use as a medicinal drug.
    • companies manufacturing medicinal drugs.