Monday, May 20, 2024

Gatehouse Media and Jeremy Mayer Go Full MAGA
Phone: 703-993-8223
Fax: 703-993-8215
Mason Square, Van Metre Hall, Room 654
3351 Fairfax Drive

Arlington, VA 22201

The conflicted Medford Transcript was published by Gannett, now controlled I believe by the bankrupt old Gatehouse Media.
So ethical that my editor, Nell Escobar Coakley, was controlled by City Hall. Asked Nell in the office one day "Who is the woman giving
you inside information?"

Nell's reply "Who says it's a woman?"

I said that to throw her off, assuming it was corrupt City Solicitor Mark E Rumley.  But with her quip
it became obvious, anti-christ Michael J. McGlynn, the mayor with unclean hands himself, allegedly
had old Nell on remote control.  Nell was his typist, (allegedly,) the furthest thing from an objective reporter.

Gannett/Gatehouse went on to destroy much of local media, as battered and bruised as it was.
By osmosis does one think that their unclean hands caught it from Rumley and McGlynn?
Nahhh, birds of a feather corrupt together.

#BidenHarris2024 will crush MAGA this November. Morons like Jackass Jeremy Mayer, associate professor in the Schar School of Policy and Government at George Mason University and full-time degenerate spewing pro-Trump propaganda 
(noun 1. information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view:
"he was charged with distributing enemy propaganda")  
is toxic GOP garbage.

Joe Biden is the firewall. The State of the Union was magnificent, and Pollsters refused to ask the pertinent
questions to make it as if Joe got no traction.   He did get traction.  But having a current president crushing
the criminal Trump on a daily basis won't sell newspapers, or feed Jackass Jeremy Mayer's tender ego.
He's like the coward reporters of the Boston Herald, desperate for their fizzling MAGA readers to shore up
the failing newspaper.  In a very blue state. 

Robert F Kennedy Jr. and Donald Trump palling around with Jeffrey Epstein

Meanwhile, the DOW closed at 40,000 on Friday under Biden, while under the Trump disaster
it was at 19,200.  Did you know that when Biden was elected, November 2020, that the DOW
surged on the news?  Trump had to admit it in the oval office and took no questions.

Jobs report?  I mean, I can give the long list of Biden wins and Jeremy Mayer (and Herald Joe Battenfraud)
will have excuses and stupidity, while Samuel Alito, a Supreme court justice, has an upside down flag.

If a Democrat did that...

But here's a little not-so-secret thing Mayer won't address: ABORTION'S BLUE WAVE crushed
the "red wave" the pollsters promised.

And loser Trump, an incumbent president, like George H. W. Bush, was thrown out with the garbage.

They are desperate and want Biden to step aside because he is smart, powerful, and will again
destroy Trump in the debates.

Feeble Donald looks horrible.  My kindergarten teacher from nearly 70 years ago could
win against Trump.  Liz Cheney and so many Republicans are voting for Nikki Haley.

Trump needs a donkey like Jeremy Mayer, and George Mason University needs to stop
hiring "writers" who act like they went to broken and gone Trump University


Bye Jeremy, do let the door hit you on the way out.