Thursday, December 28, 2017

Ron Delucia of Ark Insurance's fuzzy math and "sloppy bookkeeping"

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Ron DeLucia of Ark Insurance had the audacity to say that TV3, and he was one of the two "money managers" taking unfair advantage of the airtime while DENYING multiple residents the access opportunity cable subscribers pay for, had the audacity to say they engaged in "sloppy bookkeeping" AND that he would be "damned" if he would be thrown out of TV3.

Well, MCC is now frozen, none of them are allowed to step down.  It would be like Trump fleeing the Russia investigation.  They can't leave, no matter how many lies they issue to the citizens, the Administration or any court or two with their trademark skewed lip service.

Now , look at another non-profit.  Should they hire Ronnie DeLucia to be their mouthpiece with his incessant lies to the public he was supposed to serve?

Parents speak out
Four parents of students at the McGlynn spoke to the Transcript about the PTG executive board members’ unwillingness to disclose detailed financial information or to share the group’s official bylaws.

FILE UNDER: Reprobate Central
FILE UNDER: Toxic Mold Syndrome