Sunday, February 25, 2018

Martha Foley, new Access TV show - Forget Hogan's Heroes...we bring you M A R T H A F O L E Y

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welcome to the Martha Foley Show
new on Medford Public Access TV 

Greetings...I'm Martha H. Foley of the law firm of Coakley, Bogey and Okie Dokie, LLC ...welcome to our brand new show at the Muccini Media Center at Medford High School where Boy Yeltsin, Superintendent is proud of hiding sexual predators in plain site.

Martha: Tonight we've got a round-table of Medford notable discussing vulgarity in our schools.

I turn to Brian Bonk, a court clerk and husband of the nefarious mayor.  How are you, Brian?

BB: Bonkety Bonk Bonk...thanks for the six pack, Martha, really appreciate it.  Is this cablecast being cablecast on that futhermucker's blog?

Martha: This is a discussion of vulgarity.

Brian Bonk: I know. Didn't you bring me onboard for my dirty mouth?

Martha: Stephanie Mussolini-Bonk, Mayor of Medfraud is our next guest.  Stephanie, thank you for hiring me to investigate this awful magazine and bullets found at the McGlynn School.  We must protect the children.

Stephanie: Screw the children, we have to cover up this sXXt before it gets me thrown out of office.

Martha: Have you been dipping into the six pack I generously gave your husband?

Stephanie: Damn straight I have. And in this inebriated state, Martha, I want to thank you for doing such a fine job protecting that old lech Don Paulato while investigating sex crimes on Beacon Hill, for giving ol' drinker McGinn the heads up on the Bocelli's hardline prior to raiding the Medfraud Housing Authority, and most especially for deep-sixing the late Jimmy Dipaola's eight suicide notes and telling the citizens you impounded only one.

Martha: I don't know what you're talking about.

Stephanie: Quoting  Madame Nighty-Night? Really?  I love being drunk like my hubby allegedly is 24/7...

Martha: I can see you do...if only you could give campaign speeches as eloquently as you're trashing my show.

Stephanie: Trashing your show? I thought I trashed the varsity coach over to a school in Cambridge (teee heee heee hee!!!!)

Martha: Well, that's our show for tonight, and we're sure you can't wait for part 2.   Of course after this Harvard is going to boot me, and I'm sure Counsel Wartan Thvipri is going to be in touch to sue your derriere, Stephanie

Stephanie: Get in line, that blogger has a Federal Case looming over me, Big Dick CaraviJello, Raquel Phragengast,  Frederick N. Rumley, Jr. Jr. and the rest of the gang...ha ha ha...boy I love this beer, where did you import it from?

Martha: From our offices in Boston, Washington, D.C., New York, and Paris,  of course, where we are thinking of shipping YOU

Stephanie: Hey, I'm in GLOBE NORTH today, I'm getting the ink...

Martha: And, clearly, the drink...

Stephanie:  Of course we can all get out of this mess if you send that cute Associate, Registered Patent Attorney Huge Erik A. for a roll in the hay with the blogger...get him off our backs while climbing on...oh, nevermind

Martha: For a woman with an allegedly drunk husband you certainly can't hold the alcohol lady...who the F do we pay to drop your city as a client?

Stephanie: (hiccup) Hotel California, babe...when you owe favors to ex mayor McGinn you can check out any time you like, but you can never leave...

Martha: Don't I know it...well, that's our show for tonight, guess I won't be driving to the waterfront to get to work tomorrow...maybe I can get a public access show instead, but damn if I can pass Solicitor Rumnut's CORI check...

Stephanie: Oh, don't worry about him...he's using Ted Komazone's office now that the clerk's been suspended...trying to reactivate his bill collecting scam...

Martha: Will you shut up?....


Part 2 already in motion...

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