Thursday, February 22, 2018

To My Girlfriend MARTHA

Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2018 3:30 PM

Important Thoughts about the Burke Press Conference on Ammo at the school  Noon 2-22-18  Video Here:


1)Martha Coakley of Foley Hoag to investigate?    

Martha - let's do lunch at Dempsey's again...girlfriend do I have stuff to tell you.  Like Connie Chung to Barbara Bush..."Just between you and me...and...and... my popular blog... which has had 1,154,799 as of 3:18 pm today, one thousand one hundred and seventy since seven p.m. last night.  Just between you and me!!!  :)  

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My opinion is that Coakley botched the Medford Housing Authority Scandal (heck, it was this reporter's video camera that got former Mayor McGlynn's uncle to blurt out he was a Deval Patrick appointee, and my call to Patrick's office that got old Uncle Gene removed from MHA! so...why couldn't Martha do as much as a citizen?)


Patrick asked Covelle to resign through a letter from Aaron Gornstein, his housing undersecretary, on Thursday, citing the findings of the federal audit. Patrick also replaced his appointment to the authority's commission Eugene McGillicuddy with Sean Caron. McGillicuddy is related to McGlynn through marriage, he said during a housing meeting in April after being asked about his relationship to McGlynn by Medford resident and videographer Joseph Viglione.

Why Martha Coakley when she has the evidence on Paul Donato and hasn't seem to have done anything about it: Sexual Harassment OFF Beacon Hill

2)My opinion is that after sending Rep Paul Donato's sex stunt at the high school (see attached photo, 10:30 am October 17, 2017) to Attorney Coakley, and that Donato has yet to resign, Martha-my-dear is, rather than investigating sexual harassment on Beacon Hill, masquerading as Betty Wright of the 1971 hit recording Clean Up Woman ...but that's the rock journalist in me...Martha Coakley IS supposed to be investigating sexual harassment on Beacon Hill.  But I'll come to Martha's defense.

If then city council vice president Michael Marks liked old fossil Donato (I've known Paul since 1972 or so, I can say that!)  touching his private parts ...well, it's not sexual harassment if Michael Marks liked it.  And with the allegation that Donato grabbed Marks' backside the week before at the VFW and rumor has it, he said that he (Marks) didn't "feel anything" then, perhaps, when Donato asked to See Alice they gave him Alice Cooper concert tickets instead of the erectile dysfunction drug.  Cialis/See Alice...oh, never mind...

Point is, Martha, there were two little kids, 9 or 10 years old, and a student running the camera, so Donato has no out there.  

And that's the point of all this.  Clean-up woman Martha should have been with me on the pitcher's mound at Fenway Park in the freezing cold when we were videotaping sports events and she was running for Governor.  Martha - very nice to me the three times that we met over the past 20 years - has no attention to detail.  Had you borrowed my videocamera on the first base and pitcher's mound of Fenway Park where I was in the thrilling sub zero temperatures, Martha, and dropped the puck for the news media in attendance, you would be Governor today.  

In Medford, the sacred cows get protected and homosexual senior citizens get assaulted and dragged into court on false charges, their public access TV swiped from them by wolf-in-sheep's clothing, Mark Rumley.

What kind of retaliation will I face today for printing the truth?

Read: dinner at Bocelli's with McGlynn would be more important than protecting the public from the malfeasance going on in Medford in front of everyone's eyes.  The sometimes violent antics of government officials who bully and abuse, starting with the anti-Bully State Rep, one of the biggest bullies, Paul Donato himself.

And now Leo Sacco asks someone to "come forward" about ammo that Mayor Burke and Chief Sacco were too lazy to put safeguards in place to prevent?

Yeah, come forward with information and be charged with a crime you didn't commit.  I'm speaking from personal experience here.  

The Police have ASKED ME FOR HELP on NUMEROUS OCCASIONS and I have helped them solve crimes (Tony's Gas station robbery, First Dental window smashing, child porn ring allegedly operating with city owned camera equipment (oh, that's right, they squashed that one)...etc. etc. etc. 

Mrs. Burke: "We must use this as a learning experience..." Mayor Burke says.

We've heard this malarkey before.  "Next time we'll get it right" Superintendent Belson said 2 years ago.  Next time is now, Roy E. Belson and no one in this city has confidence in you.

Neil Osborne Diversity Director for the City of Medford said this on a petition about Belson:

Reason for signing 

Our future hinges on the leadership of our school system. Thanks, Mr. Belson for our service. We must invest the time now to find a new visionary leader. 

That was Attorney Osborne politely telling Belson to leave. Two petitions with people demanding Belson's resignation and committeewoman Paulette Van der Kloot purportedly twisting arms for Belson to stay; 

allegations that the statute of limitations needed a guardian devil for certain city officials or former city officials...but I digress...

Oh --- wait a minute - that's not digression, that's the rule, not the exception, in Medford under two Administrations - McGlynn and Muccini-Burke, rife with corruption, malfeasance dropping from the Christmas lights still glittering on the trees 2-21-18, the Queen of Green Energy, Muccini-Burke, lighting up city monies for Christmas on the eve of March, not on the eve of the winter solstice.  

This citizen was violently assaulted by City Clerk Ed Finn on or about June 16, 2015's how the city of Medford does business.

Burke and Chief Belson's body language was all off at the press conference. You don't even need a lie detector test to see that they were again attempting to pull the wool over the eyes of the public.

OK, that's enough for today.

More soon!

Joe Viglione
Editor and Publisher