Wednesday, April 18, 2018

She put her Cocaine Distribution on Instagram - Who does she think she is? A Vulgar Clerk of Courts @ Middlesex Superior or something????

1,182,260 @ 11:52 am 


Stephanie's new choice 

to be TV station 


Couldn't be

 any worse 

than the 

last five 

in Medford, 

could it?



She Instagrammed 

her exotic drug-smuggling vacation. Now 

‘Cocaine Babe’ is going 

to prison.

A Canadian woman who tried to smuggle millions of dollars worth of cocaine into Australia has been convicted and sentenced to eight years behind bars.
Melina Roberge, 24, was sentenced Wednesday after pleading guilty to smuggling 95 kilos (209 pounds) of the drug into the Sydney Harbour in 2016, following an exotic weeks-long cruise that she and an accomplice documented on social media.

If she got 8 years in prison then Stephanie will hire her now and put
public access on hiatus; and have Mark Rumley lie about it like his
alleged phony excuses about the library and why they can't put computers
there, even though they HAVE computers there, and computers were never
part of the plan from the trust that gave the land to Medford with
certain qualifications necessary.

What a joke of an Administration

Let's take them to court.