Thursday, May 31, 2018

May 31 Cable Advisory Board meeting VIDEO from Facebook Live

1,200,772 @ 8:52 pm Here they go again!  4th Meeting

Yvette Gets Immature at Cable TV Meeting

1,200,760@8:04 pm Grow up, Yvette May 31 Cable Advisory Board Meeting   My idea of a satellite station we have floated for years. Yvette Wilkes  gets appointed by clueless Mayor Burke and does not do her homework on the community’s hard work and honest efforts Yvette thinks clueless cable board resets and starts at zero. Hey Yvette. Erica Jones steals other people’s ideas as well.   Must be in the Somerville...

20 minute 5-31-18 Cable Advisory Meeting on Facebook

it is on FB Live. To post here  Real  Medford Mass Politics  it is on FB Live. To post here  Real  Medford Mass Politics  it is on FB Live. To post here  Real  Medford Mass Politics  it is on FB Live. To post here  Real  Medford Mass Politics

Joe Vig's First of Many Applications to be Station Manager of TV3 Medford, you read it here first!

1,200,724 @ 5:37 pm we get more blog hits than Ben Brown had viewers!  That's the truth! 5:37 pm May 31, 2018 85 Geo P Hassett Drive Medford MA 02155 Medford Community Media Vocational Wing, Medford High School 489 Winthrop St Medford, MA 02155 Dear Ms. Camuso and/or To Whom it May Concern: Greetings, Regarding the posting for a station manager of Medford Community Media.  I intend to...

May 30, 2018 10:16 AM Letter to Mayor, as promised: Cable Advisory May 31 Mayor Burke's Fake Cable Advisory Board

1,200,713 @ 4:54 pm May 31 Dear Citizens: Fact: Mayor McGlynn had a deceased Medford resident on his phony Cable Advisory Board along with Bob Skerry, Richard Giovino, Richard Trotta.  Mr. Skerry was furious with McGlynn for not taking the Advisory board seriously.  How disrespectful to the family of Ray McDonald to see a deceased member of their family allegedly used as a board member on an ineffective entity.   In...

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Yvette, Jay and Gabby: a big threat to public access in Medford

1,200,366 @ 11:19 pm Ben Brown’s failure to perform is a topic of conversation around serious access producers.    Mrs Burke’s being diagnosed with FPS—Frankie Phabulous Syndrome -  Now Stephanie has Gabby, Jay and Yvette to spit on your free speech rights Jay wants his own TV show. Screw you cable ratepayers Jay Campbell endorsed TV3’s Stevie B  at the station. That scares the hell out of Medford residents who have had enough...

Character and Conduct Out the Window UB _ Under Belson

Will Krissy Fraser - DOB -  Disciple of Belson play the woman card on your child to harass them? Krissy seemed like such a nice kid when she arrived; now she's a malicious, vicious part of the BPDG - Belson Pack Dog Group. Beware of Krissy Fraser...she is not a nice person....

Did Stephanie Make Varsity Coach Fake His Own Death

1,200,158@3:42 pm Arkady Babchenko, the Russian journalist reportedly murdered in Kiev, faked his death as part of a sting operation to "expose Russian agents" who were plotting his killing, Ukrainian officials have said. The 41-year-old appeared at a press conference alongside the head of the Ukrainian security service on Wednesday afternoon. ...

One Million Two Hundred Thousand and Fifty. Wow

1,200,050@ 12:07 pm Letter to Mayor on Advisory Board Scathing To post soon. Already e mailed Cable Advisory May 31   Mayor Burke's Fake Cable Advisory Boa...

Top 10 - Advisory Board gets readers' attention - Incompetent Cable Advisory Board is the talk of the town, and none of it is good!

1,199,998@9:40 am 1,199,968 @ 9:01 am CABLE ADVISORY MEETING, WE HAVE 4 VIDEOS MAY 24 20... May 25, 2018 Jay Campbell Can't Run Proper Cable Advisory Meeti... May 25, 2018 Campbell Forgets to Vote on Issue as CHAIR May 25, 2018 Joe Viglione for Executive Director of Medford Med... May 27, 2018 TO THE LOCAL PRESS AND NATIONAL MEDIA May 25, 2018 Ask Harvey Weinstein if Stephanie Burke should be...

Stephanie Sings the National Anthem at the Field of Dreams

JULY 26, 1990, HOW QUICK THEY FORGET we caught Stephanie on tape!!!

Thursday May 31, 2018 4th Meeting of Useless Cable Advisory Board, Room 201

WHAT A JOKE.   EVERY MONTH, LAST THURSDAY OF THE MONTH, THERE IS A MEETING OF STEPHANIE'S THREE JOKERS   ROOM 201 IS ACROSS FROM NEIL OSBORNE'S OFFICE OF DEFAMATION AND LOSS OF YOUR CIVIL RIGHTS ________________________________   Thursday at 6 PM there is yet another meeting, the fourth, of this insipid Cable Advisory Board, May 31.   6:00pm Cable Advisory Board meeting   When Thu, May 31, 6pm – 7pm   Where ...

Medford, like Russia, attempting to kill off journalists

RussiSTEPHAKIEV, Ukraine — A Russian journalist harshly critical of the Kremlin was shot and killed in the Ukrainian capital Tuesday State Solicitor Rark E. Fumbley walked up to the journalist in Red Haines Square and shot him to death.  "Good riddance" Fumbley said as he blew the smoke away from the murder weapon, the residue...

Stephanie Satire

1,199,958 @ 8:31 am May 30  1,199,889@12:43 am The joke is on you, dear citizen Higher standard for Mrs Burke Rumor mill is swirling that Stephanie Muccini-Burke is so unpopular that she will be defeated in 2019...

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

ABC Cancels Roseanne for Tweet, but is Joe Lynch Still at Somerville Media Center???

1,199,738 @ 5:13 pm ABC cancels 'Roseanne' after Roseanne Barr's racist tweet  Taryn Ryder and Heather Gardner 1 hour 57 minutes ago Roseann Canceled for Racism by ABC, dropped by agent ICM Her arrogance and hate-speech has hurt her co-stars and...

I Know There Are Some Complaints about the

1,199,590 @ 9:52 am _____________________________  4:07 in the Video  " I know that there have been complaints about the quality of sound" Gabby Follet Sumney YA THINK????

The More Jay Campbell Opens His Mouth

Like, it's so cool, they are going to put in an orchard, like with apples and peaches... and we can put it on cable access I spoken to Tufts, get some Tufts programming, it's all done, and now you got some world renowned speaker along with some shows ...Stevie B will be back Stevie B. is a nasty person, Steve Bertorelli, from the shut down TV3 Medford, and Jay Campbell wants that swill back at the station, with the stench of Medford Community...

Videos of Cable Advisory Committee Part 1

1,199,578 @ 9:30 am May 29 2018 photo 6:33 pm Part 1 _________________________________________________________ Part 2 _________________________________________________________ Part 3  May 24  2018 Jay Campbell..."What I like is that the  college student can mentor the high school student..."  Duh...Golllyyyyyy...