Friday, October 9, 2020

Refuting Tony's Article PART II SENT 7:10 AM Wednesday 10--7--2020

1709970 @ 7:18 pm Friday 10-9-2020   606 so far Friday...41 minutes to go!! to 8 pm 


I freaking LOVE this article. And bless your soul for calling Tony D. a friend, because I just found him to always be a true ass.  

Got to see & hear for myself durings Penta's run. But you nailed it, his days of being any part of this city's political anything is out the window!  

I am also happy that he, like most of us, is on a short leash due to this pandemic because if not he'd be everywhere spewing the egrous lies.

Btw... Did you see that Anita Hill is backing Joe Biden. :)

Keep up the great work, Joe. And I hope YOU are doing well and that arm is healed.



My friend Tony published an article attacking ALL Democrats.  There was no factual basis, just a blanket statement ridiculing every member of a political party while using Mark Rumley's trademark "self-crafted fiction" as "evidence."   That Tony believes his fairy tales is the scary thing.

Tony blamed highly popular Barack Obama for what Jeff Sessions, Donald and Melania Trump did with pleasure: Locking children in cages.

Jeff Sessions and Trump caged innocent children, not Obama, Mr. D'Antonio

 ‘We Need to Take Away Children,’ No Matter How Young, Justice Dept. Officials Said
Top department officials were “a driving force” behind President Trump’s child separation policy, a draft investigation report said.

Then that sicko Melania Trump, some garden variety stripper who had no problem being a homewrecker-for-money by getting between Donald
and that other home-wrecker, 30 year old Marla Maples when Ivana got too old for Mr. Oink Oink, uses the "F" word to dismiss the innocents.
Classless foreign import.  Hillary got 3 million more votes, yet Russian Vladmir was able to get its wish (not his wish, ITS wish!) and put a plant
in the White House.   
Unimaginative as the Tony Robot is, he calls facts "fake news," repeating Pied Piper Trump's phony excuse for not dealing with things that blow up his delusions.

You realize, in Mr. D'Anphoneyo's world, Obama went to the Rose Garden and infected all the White House people with COVID-19, rippped their masks off while Hillary was running naked as a distraction that made them drop their masks.   

Basically, Anthony D'Antonio shot himself in the foot and made it so he will never, ever win an election in Medford, keeping his record intact.

Tony erroneously writes that I'm attacking his "manhood," no - just the fact that shouting lunacy from the rooftops eradicates your credibility. 
You had thousands of votes fighting McGlynn, and you lose in spectacular fashion to...Zac Bears?   Now THAT is ugly.

Sadly, we cannot have a logical discussion in Medford when the Republicans who haven't come to their senses (see, I can praise logical GOP members) shout you down, make up false narratives, and make excuses for an individual MORE unbalanced than Adolph Hitler and, due to media (Hitler's playpen,) more dangerous than Stalin, Mussolini and Hitler put together.  Trump - juiced up on steroids to fake that he's not seriously ill, carries the nuclear football, a truly frightening thought.

Did you see the cartoon of Mike Pence tied to a conveyer belt ready to be chewed up by a chainsaw?  The caption was "Well, you wanted to do prep for debating Kamala Harris" (paraphrased.)   Putting Mike Pence in the boxing ring with Kamala is like having Breanna's chief-of-staff Davie Rodrigues fighting Mike Tyson.  This one was over the minute the debate was announced.

Trump has effectively divided America.  People that got along are now on different sides of the fence, or "wall" - if you will. 
It is an invisible wall Mexico will never pay is in the poisoned minds of Americans who cannot think for themselves.

Lisa Axxxxxxx  calls me while I'm busy at Microcenter, Cambridge, picking up essentials (hard drives and such) to digitize Visual Radio, asking me why
people were at city hall on a Sunday (early voting.)  Then she pivots AFTER asking me not to talk politics and says she is frightened out of her mind that Kamala Harris is going to get elected. Newsflash to Bozo, if your claim to fame is being falsely arrested by Harry MacGilvray dressed in orange with a Hillary Clinton mask ... it begs the question, haven't the Medford cops got into enough Brady problems without getting political during an election?

And, yes, Lisa, Kamala is your new vice president.  

As for Officer Macgilvray, Harry got spanked AFTER I posted on Facebook that cops are like lawyers, on call 24/7 and, essentially, they have no free speech rights.   

Sure, laugh at me, diss me, and end up in Boston Magazine.   Hey, I was in Boston Magazine too, Harry, as one of the 84 to watch in 1984, after I got signed to a record deal in Paris.  I was on People are Talking too...and was highlighted in national publications ...and if Medford has no respect for hard work and honest effort (see Rumley's fraudulent policies and procedures vis-a-vis access television) the least Medford can do is stop embarrassing itself in public with Tony D'Antonio's ill-advised rant, and Harry's spectacle around Halloween.   

Police Officers HAVE to be neutral.  Taking sides is not serving and protecting, it is bias, plain and simple.   


We are officially divided.  We need a Joe Biden who is well-liked by many closeted Republicans who are facing a day of reckoning for following Donald off the cliff...that reckoning in less than a month.  

Biden will unite us.  

Coronavirus is now a metaphor for Donald Trump.  Trump not only owns the disease, Trump IS the disease who showed weakness when it came to protecting America.  Just the way Vladmir Putin wants it.

Some of my best friends are Russian is too cliche.   But I do have many Russian friends and they would rather live in America under a sane leader, not a miniature version of Vladmir Putin.  

It is 7:10 am.  Welcome to Wendesday.   

More logical thoughts later in the week...and Tony, for your penance, the right reverend is not asking you,
he is telling you:

Vote #BidenHarris2020     

Joe Viglione