Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Allegedly, MORE THAN 1/3rd of Caraviello's Personal Income is DERIVED from the $32,000.00 he gets as President of the City Council

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Dun and Bradstreet asserts that Caraviello makes only $60,056.00 dollars annually.

Presidency of the City Council is $32,000.00

So Richard F Caraviello drains the taxpayers of

Medford by voting for his own pay raise at the

city council 

Financial Statements

Revenue in USD  $60,056

Fact: Caraviello skipped out on an important
"pay to park" vote at the council he takes $$$ 
from.  The Council is 1/3rd of his income, allegedly, and the dirty rat skips out on the taxpayers allegedly to pick up a client for his limo service.  Disgusting.  Then he told criminal court, under oath, that he never moonlighted on the city council.

Well, what is it?  He certainly was caught on camera skipping out DURING a pivotal vote on the city council.  Where did he go if he lied to a constituent that he was moonlighting.  If he did moonlight, then he committed perjury. So you want that kind of fiend overseeing the financial health of the city of Medford?

FACT: Caraviello LOST a criminal court case where the phony lied to the Medford police to
attempt to shut down criticism.

FACT: Caraviello blurted out prior to a council
meeting that he's the BIGGEST S.O.B. in
Medford You want to pay the son of a bitch for clowning around in Alden Chambers that he actually IS not only a son of a bitch, but claims to be the BIGGEST son of a bitch in Medford. He is spitting at you, laughing at you - Medford - and ripping you off.  Caraviello is untrustworthy and immature, and laughing all the way to the bank with your cash.  HE VOTED TO TAKE YOUR MONEY TO PAD HIS BANK ACCOUNT.

The fat slob is incompetent, irrelevant and a moron who embarrasses the city of Medford with his sleazy antics, like stalking a gay male after that individual defeated Caraviello in CRIMINAL COURT

That's right, Caraviello LOST a criminal court case and now his dirty, filthy, unclean fingers oversee the finances of the city of Medford?

Residents - you people are CRAZY not knowing the background of that thug, Rick Caraviello.