Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Biden Now Leads Popular Vote by about FIVE MILLION / / / All Trump Nevada Lawsuits THROWN OUT


Biden ...almost 5 million more than Trump


Biden Leads Trump by 4,789,300 votes 

Give it up LOSER TRUMP, you look like even MORE of a loser as the votes keep climbing in Biden's favor.

Meanwhile loser Trump
71,684, 332

Trump has come up with ‘frivolous, baseless claims’ of voter fraud: Nevada AG Aaron Ford


 “All four of the lawsuits that the Trump administration has filed in our state have been thrown out that I have been participating in,” explained Nevada Attorney General Aaron Ford. “They continue to come with frivolous, baseless claims of speculation about voter fraud that's widespread, that ostensibly is changing the results of the election. And we continue to get them tossed out of court.”