Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Crackpots at Medford United Jealous and Angry That This Publication Unleashed The Ruseau Report


Medford United was FURIOUS when this publication released the Ruseau Report.

Medford Information Central obtained the information at our P.O. Box.  When I shared it with people at Medford United they begged me not to release the information (????) because they were looking for a mug shot from New Hampshire.  Or so they (falsely) claimed.

That's right, Mr. Ruseau, the delusional women at M.U. claim they have a contact in the District Attorney's office in New Hampshire who would deliver a mug shot of your arrest.

They really have a low opinion of you, Paul, and logically speaking, they are fixated on you...the last thing a gay guy needs, four obsessed women stalkers.  Uggggh.....better you than me!

They are intent on finding your mug shot and embarrassing you!   That's Medford United - United in Harassment!

But don't worry, Mr. Ruseau, their imaginary friends in city government in NH and Mass are just that: DELUSIONS.  They've yet to deliver your mug shot!   It was a distraction because they wanted to post the information on you first. Petty losers lock people out of their club but attempt to drain information from people that they hate.  They are SO hateful.

And, guess what Paul Comeau?   Just like they claim to be "best friends" with John Falco, Breanna Lungo-Koehn, Chief John Buckley, they couldn't deliver the mug shot because THEY CAN'T DELIVER IT.

When we obtained information on our own verifying that Mr. Comeau had morphed into Mr. Ruseau, we ran with the story.  

They were totally incensed; just as Valerie Harris stupidly asks questions in a public record request rather than documents, they don't know what the fxxx they are doing?  Which makes them not just a little dangerous, but VERY DANGEROUS.

These looney women, Anna Maria, Eunice, Valerie and Kerry, members of 
Krazee Krackpots Medford, LLC,  wanted the "glory" while this publication wants to help the community.   A BIG BIG DIFFERENCE.

Look, if you need to falsely claim Falco is your best friend because your child is friends with Falco's child, you have your priorities skewed.

I would only be friends with Falco for one reason: to write vulgarities containing subliminal messages on his bald head for advertising purposes during council meetings.  Otherwise, I have no use for another McGlynn sycophant.

Medford United has members who are pro Trump....ugggghhhhh....how...sick!

Have never had a drug problem, but I've had to drag many a friend to rehab or AA. Going after someone's son with a drug or alcohol problem is sad. Biden is our next president. Scott Rasmussen (pollster) and Fox News are waving the white flag, the country needs some correction from this kind of lunacy. Now if HUNTER was personally abusing you, that would be fair game, but he's not. Drugs are against my religion...I leave it at my discretion if I want an aspirin or Coca Cola or coffee or tea, but the church I go to frowns on stimulants. Freedom of religion is in the Constitution. But attacking Hunter Biden? That's like going after George W. Bush's wayward brother Neil. Have some respect.

Trump has shown concern over what will happen to him if he loses, several advisers told the Times, and he expects prosecutors will take a closer look at his business dealings; there are already established investigations into the Trump Organization in New York. https://news.yahoo.com/trump-reportedly-telling-advisers-loses-030523427.html