Friday, November 13, 2020

Letter to Breanna Lungo-Muccini and John D. Brady - Mayor and Police Chief Respectively

 Taxpayers should be INFURIATED by the malarkey dished out by Chief Buckley and the Lungo-Koehn administration

You've got the most corrupt police force, Brady-wise, in all of Middlesex County, potentially in all of Massachusetts,
and rather than reform they are giving you pages and pages of defensive rambling...incoherent rants that leave the
citizens dizzy.

Hey Breanna, murky, lengthy gobbledygook and Buckley's 14 pages of meaningless language do not put the citizenry at ease.

That's NOT transparency, that's an abstruse bit of nonsense we expect from crooked Donald Trump, not the new mayor of

Your supporters expect more from you, Breanna.

We know Chief Buckley has not an honest bone in his body, so he's spinning excuses for why he sits atop the most untrustworthy police department in the region.    

Look at the false police report from Faller, Mackowski, Covino and Caraviello, LLC with a little notice that it is "for the public."  

Each one of those frightful four "government officials" needs to be tried, convicted and sent away for a long stretch for betraying the public trust.

As far as Jack Buckley demanding the public'll get it, Jack, the moment that you resign.  

more to come  

In how many languages can you say "loser," Donald?

Germany "Verlierer"

Spain = perdedor

Russian неудачник

Chinese 失败者 Shībài zhě

Any way you spell or translate it Trump = LOSER