Thursday, November 12, 2020

Pervasive Dereliction of Duty, a Cornerstone of the Medford Police Department

 Jack Buckley's 14 Page Essay Should Frighten Every Logical Medford Citizen in its Explicit Failure to Correct Police Misconduct in Medford

On Friday the 13th We'll Bring You a BLOCKBUSTER report on the atrocious activities of the Medford Police Department and the Polyanna head-in-the-sand lunacy of Breanna Lungo-Koehn failing to address the issue of systemic corruption.

Stephen Lebert

The late Greg Hudson

Shawn Norton

Shawn Hughes

James Lee

Uncle Dickie Lebert

Paul Covino

Paul Mackowski

The Brady Infestation is INCOMPLETE,

why aren't Covino and Mackowski listed as rogue elements and examples of very bad policing?

The following sections describe events that led to suspensions, Internal Affairs investigations or complaints against Medford Police Detective Stephen LeBert. Information was taken directly from LeBert’s personnel records, which the Transcript obtained through a public records request. Links to PDF documents of the records are included wherever possible.

July 1992 – Suspension No. 3: On duty – but in Woburn

(Stephen) LeBert and his uncle Richard LeBert get into a fight with a Woburn man who had allegedly spit on LeBert’s wife.

The man, Paul Thompson Jr., brought a criminal case for assault against Richard and Stephen LeBert to a Somerville District Court judge, but no judgment was found.

A civil case in 1994 resulted in a $100,000 judgment against Richard LeBert. His attorney, Thompson and the state agreed to a settlement of $49,000, which the city of Medford eventually paid.