Monday, November 2, 2020

Rasmussen Comes out and Declares a BIDEN VICTORY and that Huge Supporter of Trump Has the Evidence

Scott Rasmussen sayeth:

"No matter how you look at the data, the odds are heavily in favor of Joe Biden being elected president."

Scott Rasmussen is an American political analyst and digital media entrepreneur. He is the author of “The Sun is Still Rising: Politics Has Failed But America Will Not.”

 The Rasmussen Polls Can Drive one BONKERS with always pushing Republicans up the chart with polls that purportedly ask slanted questions.

Well, Mitch McConnell avoiding the White House isn't because of his excuse - Covid 19 - Hell, no!

McConnell and the rest of the Republicans know a loser when they see one ... clearly and discretely moving far from the orange-haired buffoon. 

But watching hardcore Republican ass-kisser Scotty Rasmussen throw in the towel is sheer delight!

Dirty Filthy Donald, going down with 19 accusations of rape allegedly against him.

Trump is done, stick a fork in him.

This election is so OVER and there's a massive BLUE WAVE five times bigger than 2018 coming to shore!    Bravo!


Possibly the most troubling numbers for the president in my polls come from two states where he’s ahead — Texas and Montana. He leads by just four points in each of these previously solid Republican states. On top of that, the candidates are tied in Iowa, a state Trump won by nearly 10 points in 2016.

As Real Clear Politics reminds us, nothing is guaranteed by these results. It is possible that many of these individual states could end up in either the Republican or the Democratic column. That’s particularly true of North Carolina, Iowa and Florida. But it’s definitely good news for the Democrats that Biden has bigger leads in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin than Trump enjoys in Texas and Montana.

and there ya have it!   #BidenHarris2020