Sunday, November 15, 2020

Talking to Tony's Friends again THE VOICE OF REASON Term Limits and Michael J. McGlynn

 Ex Mayor Mike McGlynn was ruffled when I said that TV3 needed "term limits." "How can I ask them to have term limits, Joe?" Was McGlynn's reply to me. 

Yet Bob Maiocco and even Mayor Lungo-Koehn served with no term limits. It's a double-edged sword. 

Tip O'Neill was the third longest-serving Speaker in American history and was able to reach across the aisle successfully. But Mitch McConnell with his 35 years of being an obstructionist -- backing Citizens United - damaged America, so much so that Charles Koch is in the news this week saying: “Boy, did we screw up!,” wrote Koch, now 85, in his new book, Believe in People: Bottom-Up Solutions for a Top-Down World. “What a mess!" 

 So what my Republican friends in Medford have hammered me about - things such as term limits - what was my mantra from day 1 on the TV3 battle, they now come around and agree with me. Donald Trump refuses to have a peaceful transfer of power; has asked repeatedly about pardoning himself and his family - admitting to his crimes, yesterday the insane "rallies" Stop the Steal resulted in violence, Fox News airing on 11/14 a Maga sign that says "We're coming for Blacks and Indians," Lindsay Graham pushing a fraudulent postal worker claim - words put in Mr. Richard Hopkins mouth by Project Veritas -- the libelous right wing group from Mamaroneck, NY now facing possible charges for inciting fake news about the election. 

Republicans now being more bold and admitting Biden's landslide victory is real (heading towards 6 million more popular votes than Trump, but the same Electoral College margin Trump won by in 2016 that Trump designated "a landslide.")  

Tucker Carlson apologizing for his fake news about dead voters when two voters in Pennsylvania turned out to be admitting voting for Biden and against Trump, and the virus is raging with dozens of secret service people exposed because of Trump's rallies and his endangering his followers...and misleading the world. 

 Giving facts and being the voice of reason means nothing to our Republican friends in Medford, it's their way or the highway. But if they COPY your ideas about term limits and ophthalmologists, it's fine if they say it on their terms, after they got the idea from the voice of reason. 

 We all need to come together and be one nation, and Joe Biden, with experience dealing with both sides of the aisle, will give his best to protect citizens from the virus, from the violence of MAGA and from Mitch McConnell. McConnell and Lindsay Graham are the poster boys for term limits, because they certainly don't act like Tip O'Neill. We had a surplus when Bill Clinton worked with the Republicans, but the Cheney/Bush team wrecked that with fake claims of yellow cake uranium. McConnell is only interested in power, and as Charles Koch noted, boy did the Republicans screw up, what a mess. 

This is coming from the guy who funded the madness. Violence, failure to transfer power, lies from Tucker Carlson, a landslide victory and local Republicans refusing to see the writing on the wall and be civil about a journalist's point of view. Y'All seem to applaud my hard fight for the L'Italien Report, Brady list, dismantling TV3...yet only one person supported me ...not even from Medford ...when I dismantled Rick Caraviello's fraudulent court case...after I was slugged by a criminal city clerk. 

 No one showed up to support me, everyone had an excuse, because some of you people cave in politically and refuse to do the right thing. 

 Well, I can sleep at night. 

 My hard work and efforts are from the heart and I work to improve Medford. 

Glad you are onboard with Term Limits, Tony. You should have hammered that daily with McGlynn in office when you went up against him twice. That was McGlynn's Achilles' heel, as it was Frank Pilleri's.

 A fair and free election turned out to be the Achilles' heel for Donald J. Trump. A landslide, because we Democrats knew we had to get out the vote and win by huge numbers, flipping Arizona and Georgia, because Trump - by his actions - was attempting to steal it, just as I believe he did steal it from the more popular Hillary Clinton, who swamped him with the popular vote. 

You want to EMPLOY term limits? 

 Try with removing the Electoral College as Al Gore won that election fair and square and Republicans on the Supreme Court snatched the will of the people. 


  Term Limits for Supreme Court as well. 

 We Democrats had to spend more time and money fighting to get an overwhelming amount of voters out because Trump was stealing mailboxes, sorting machines, underhanded illegal actions to DENY the votes of Democrats. Biden, Clinton, Obama, Gore didn't do that stuff. Corrupt Donald Trump did, and he knows no pardon can save him from the Southern District of New York or the angry Deutsche Bank whose own sins are in the spotlight due to Trump's massive debt.


 Anne McGillicuddy
JFK would be a Republican today.🤔
    •  Joe Viglione responds
    Great imagination, Ms. McGillicuddy, if you live in the Twilight Zone. The Kennedy family is pure progressive, but we can say with full faith that Lincoln would be a Democrat today because Lincoln's Republicans were very, very much like today's Democratic party. Lincoln freed the slaves, while Trump wants slavery to return. Which is why we dumped Trump...and he is too old to come back, despite all his bravado. Trump will be Joe Biden's age in 2024 and with Trump's poor health and obesity, he just won't have the strength in 4 years. Thank God.

    Note to Bob:
    Fact is, Bob, and you know this, it is Trump who demanded we not count any more votes, and he knew that was military. Most of the military votes are for Biden as Biden respects the military and didn't call them "suckers and losers." My God, those words came directly from Trump's mouth - both his demand NOT to count the military vote - and his vulgar abuse of fallen heroes. 

    Eric Trump was displaying a video of 80 votes being burned that he said were Trump's, but it was a fake video. 

     Bob, you are fiscally conservative, yet you support the Trump family free ride, accusing Hunter Biden when Ivanka Trump was the culprit, and probably her other family members. 

     That's no way for us to all get along when those who have another position, which is backed up by the facts, are ignored for Trump's daily fiction. So glad we can go back to being a country again. 

    Bye, Donald, have fun with Deutsche Bank's bill collectors and the Southern District of New York upcoming trials against you.