Sunday, November 15, 2020

Violent Trump Followers are DANGEROUS - Wake up America - This is SICK + Hopkins, the Traitorous Postal Work, Caused Death Threats on his Boss by his LIES

supervisor, who has received death threats as a result of the amplification of the allegations.

 In an email to Salon, a Project Veritas spokesperson described the group's draft of the affidavit as "starter text" that Hopkins later "revised and discussed" with them. When asked how Hopkins' input had changed the text, the spokesperson responded that "Hopkins was the author of the affidavit" — apparently contradicting Hopkins' statement that Project Veritas had written it.

Hopkins also expressed remorse for how the saga had affected his supervisor, who has received death threats as a result of the amplification of the allegations.

"That's f**ked," Hopkins said, according to the audio.


A Fox News anchor briefly paused mid-segment on Saturday after a sign carried by a demonstrator at the so-called “Million MAGA March” in Washington, D.C. appeared on the screen bearing a racist threat. Fox anchor Eric Shawn broke from his conversation with a Republican strategist to say, “We’ve just seen a very disturbing sign. It said, ‘Coming for Blacks and Indians first welcome to the New World Order.’ Who the hell knows, you know, what people have and what they say on these things?” The march, intended to show support for President Donald Trump and his false claims that he won the presidential election, drew a significantly smaller crowd than a million people, with attendees numbering in the thousands.