Monday, November 9, 2020

Trump the Criminal...Dejected and Heading to the Southern District of New York....Dancing in the Streets...Ding Dong the Trump is GONE

1,728,458 all-time views @ 3:58 pm Nov 9, 2020
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562 yesterday - good views for a Sunday! 

WASHINGTON — President Trump’s stunning defeat raises a wild new question: whether he might face criminal charges.  

Trump's presidential shield of protection from federal indictment is now officially scheduled to expire at the moment he steps down on Jan. 20, 2021. And there’s little telling how prosecutors will approach the pile of incendiary evidence he’s leaving behind.

A decision to charge Trump would raise the stunning spectacle of slamming a former American president in the dock, and risk subsuming President-Elect Joe Biden’s first term under churning controversy. The move would enrage Trump's followers: Trump has painted himself as the victim of leftist anger and selective justice, and many of them would surely see any criminal charges in that same light, no matter how strong the evidence might be.