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Saturday, December 31, 2022
MBTA bus driver admits to stealing passenger’s wallet, police say

MBTA bus driver admits to stealing passenger’s wallet, police sayBOSTON — wcvbhttps://www.wcvb.com/article/mbta-bus-driver-stealing-passengers-wallet-forest-hills-station/42371600 An MBTA bus
driver has been charged with stealing the wallet of a passenger who had
just gotten off the bus and entered a subway station. 5
Investigates has learned...
MEDFORD NEEDS TO IMPROVE IN 2023The MPD acts in a grossly negligent way. THE MAYOR NEEDS TO STOP BEING A TYRANT, OR AS THE PARENTS SAID AT THE SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETING....BREANNA WILL HAVE TO STEP DOWN.causation: a substantial factor in the stabbing, the mayor's conduct was a substantial factor in the hurtful actions at Medford High School, Breanna and her creepy school committee. POLICE CHIEF BUCKLEY NEEDS TO STOP FOOLING HIMSELF.THEY...
Failed Kandidate Kerry LaidKlaw Wants Your Kids to Wear Masks Forever Now
www.newyorker.com › news › annals-of-activismThe Case for Wearing Masks Forever | The New Yorker Dec 28, 2022 · Last
December, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced that
it was shortening the recommended isolation period for those with COVID -19 to five days. Getting see link here:https://www.newyorker.com/news/annals-of-activism/the-case-for-wearing-masks-forever MoreThey...
In Medford "The Fix" is Always In
your children should be very, very afraid of the Medford Police Departm...
Missed Warning Signs: Massage Therapist Charged With Rape Story by Kathy Curran and Jason Solowski • Yesterda

Missed Warning Signs: Massage Therapist Charged With Rape Dec 30, 2022 · DaSilva’s lawyers have said that he maintains his innocence from day one. He has not been charged in Carrie’s case. DaSilva was indicted for rape of the second woman at Carrie
has now filed a lawsuit against Massage Envy in Medford, Massachusetts,
and state-licensed massage therapist Gilberto...
2022 Medford Wrap Up: Serious Malfeasance Top 16 Government Offenders - Bad Stuff Happens Due to Poor Policing, Negligent City Officials
draft 32022
secrets of Medford City Government are coming home to roost, and 2023
should expose much of the corruption ...the public is aboutto see it all!Blood
on Breanna Lungo-Koehn's hands, Marice Edouard-Vincent's hands, blood
on Police Chief Jack Buckley's hands, but this is business as usual in Medford,
all about those crooked individuals taking Medford taxpayer monies and
letting students get stabbed. It is sick, it is vile,...
Seethed at Queers Darth Vader Pope Benedict Arnold, the Dick Cheney of Popes, Dies and Goes Straight to Hell
Pope Benedict, aka 'God’s Rottweiler,' Seethed at QueersJohn CaseySat, December 31, 2022 at 1:53 PM ESThttps://news.yahoo.com/pope-benedict-aka-god-rottweiler-185316643.htmlWhen Germany’s Munich diocese, which Ratzinger led as archbishop in the 1970s and ’80s, published a report about its response to the sex abuse scandal, it implicated then-Bishop Ratzinger, saying...