Friday, May 5, 2023

Racist Republicans on Yahoo


Typical Republican Behavior, Clarence Thomas is a bad human being and his disgusting wife even worse. Racists discriminate and use the color of a man's skin to attack a progressive. That is why the Republican party is dying. It's not about being a "Conservative Black" (please use a Cap if describing Black, White or Eskimo - GOP not big on proper grammar), it's about being a thug and a thief and proving that Anita Hill was right. So a Black GOP criminal thief can't be called out in the minds of hypocrite Republicans because they weaponize race. Sick

Typical Republican Behavior, Clarence Thomas is a bad human being and his disgusting wife even worse.   

Clarence Thomas and Ginny are the ugliest couple in history....and the outside is even worse

  • Rick

Wow! You are such a deep thinker and.. so clever. Maybe you should look at your own outside and inside. You sound like you practice selective racism to me. Conservative black equals bad, leftist black equals untouchable.

  • JV

    My progressive blog has about 2 1/2 million page views. Just highlighted the ignorance of Rick for my readers...they are laughing at him, not with him

Typical Republican Behavior, Clarence Thomas is a bad human being and his disgusting wife even worse. Racists discriminate and use the color of a man's skin to attack a progressive. That is why the Republican party is dying. It's not that "Conservative Black (please use a Cap if describing Black, White or Eskimo - GOP not big on proper grammar) So a Black GOP criminal thief can't be called out in the minds of hypocrite Republicans because they weaponize race. Sick




Add SCOTUS to the things Conservatives have destroyed. One justice has a STOLEN seat. One justice has a seat because Conservatives hobbled an FBI background investigation. One has a seat because Conservatives ignored their own promise and rammed them in the very week of a presidential election. One has a wife that participated in a coup attempt. And EVERY Conservative apparently mislead the Senate during their confirmation hearings by saying they viewed Roe v Wade settled law.