Thursday, May 23, 2024

The Pervert Is Back, but not for long. Time for Another Restraining Order on Him Uggggg.....he is disgusting

 imagine ron alberg and harvey delucia showing up at your door every day ....or Dr. Rabies trying to have sex with you....ugggggh   For more info on the sexual harasser of Everett read our previous story:

 Joe V editorial: 

The town drunk is upending tenants where I live. 

He signed a Restraining Order Agreement with the landlords to stay away from me, now the pervert who wanted to have sex with me (ugggh) is showing up at my apartment provoking me, Monday May 20 and Wednesday night May 22. 

It's disgusting. 

He never washes his clothing and the lobby smells of smoke and disgust. He is friends with the not-very-nice witch downstairs. She's a real piece of work calling ambulances and firefighters for company. I caught her fraudulently calling 911 twice (July 3, 2022, Jan 12, 2023) and wrote her a notice that she was in my opinion breaking the law. 

Praise Jesus, my letter healed her and she stopped calling 911. 

Just heard from the woman in charge and she said they are taking it seriously. The police advised me on election night Nov 7 2023 to go to court and file on him, he had assaulted me on election night too, and on May 18, 2023 violating his Agreement he made in front of a judge. 

My friends have also been intimidated by him and won't show up in our recreation room when he's around. 

The perv upends Bingo with drunken outbursts. Who the hell upends Bingo? 

Worse than the lesbian with the bloody meat cleaver that I put a four year restraining order on. 

The other tenants just run, but I will use the legal system to good use to help everyone, starting with me. 

The landlords are nice but I put them on notice under the Quiet Enjoyment law that they could be Defendants too when I file against him and the witch for not doing this quickly enough.