Wednesday, August 28, 2024

any attempts to silence the media, or to silence or intimidate a journalist, will not be tolerated," Wolfson said.


"Today's verdict should send a message, and that message is a clear message that any attempts to silence the media, or to silence or intimidate a journalist, will not be tolerated," Wolfson said.

Prosecutors said former Clark County public administrator Robert Telles, 47, stabbed the Las Vegas Review-Journal reporter to death after German exposed corruption in his office, destroying both his political career and his marriage. German's story detailed an allegedly hostile work environment in Telles' office -- including bullying, retaliation and an "inappropriate relationship" between Telles and a staffer -- all of which Telles denied.

Worm-in-Brain Howie Carr: RFK and ruckus at Arlington National Cemetery


Did you see Cowie Harr's latest column?
I didn't, just the headline, I simply won't subscribe to the Herald or Globe anymore.

Well, the headline is Trump Derangement Syndrome enough.  Don't know if senile old
Carr is slicing and dicing baby cub bears with worm-brain Bobby Kennedy, or if he's in
search of the late  Dr. Harold Bornstein, President Donald Trump’s 
former personal physician, 
who couldn't make it past 73...physician, heal thyself!

That whackjob  "WH Physician Ronny Jackson" claims demented and distressed 
ex- President Donald Trump  "Has A Lot Of Energy & Stamina." 
Howie Carr is going to Jackson for a second opinion.

Fortunately, Jack Smith has the real energy and stamina.
I was helping out an ex member of my band with her DistroKid and YouTube and
stuff, and she flipped out and ruined our 40 years or so because of RFK.  Ask
Bobby to put your YouTube's up volunteering to help an old friend.

Somehow "told you so" seems very appropriate here.  HA HA, RFK losers and
suckers are more than just a brain worm and and innocent cub bear!!!! 

Hannibal Lecter would be proud.  So would the electric sharks.

What Trump, and now RFK, have both done, is to divide families, friends and
strangers.  Last night I'm driving on Route 99 and some weirdo in a black truck
with an American flag is breaking every driving law on the books: speeding,
wrong lane, etc. etc.  They hijack the US flag and think the law doesn't apply to

I was gonna pull a Ben Matlock and call him a "jackass" but then my perfect driving
record would be in jeopardy  ....the suckers and losers would accuse me of road rage
when I'm a polite guy just pointing out the facts.

Howie Carr's TDS is pathological veering off into just-as-nutty RFK territory.
Democrats and Free Speech?  While Trump wants to fracture the 1st Amendment
and jail people burning the flag and having abortions - the bastard is indicted again!

While Kamala and Walz are kicking the $)#^ 
out of Trump, he goes and causes a
ruckus at Arlington National Cemetery.  


Team Trump Attacks Arlington Staffer As ‘Mentally Ill’ Disgrace 

To ‘Hollowed’ Gravesite After Fracas Over Photo Op

On Tuesday, however, reports emerged that members of the campaign verbally abused and pushed a cemetery staff member in an altercation that happened when the team attempted to record and photograph the ceremony. Federal law prohibits political campaign activities at all Army national cemeteries, including Arlington.

Futhermucker Trump speaks ill of the dead.  ANYONE voting for the felon needs their
head examined, but more than that, why isn't Trump in prison already?

Republicans shielded convicted criminal George Santos for votes for too long.
That's why Republicans are losing, and why Trump will join Santos in prison...

the sooner the better.

Don't worry about Howie Carr, there's enough evidence that he can plead

Republicans Threaten to Kill Republicans to Commit Republican Voter Fraud


When Stephen Richer first campaigned to run elections in Arizona's largest county, the Republican official never expected to receive death threats for simply correcting misinformation about voting.

"All of it's beyond what I bargained for," Richer said in an interview with AFP at the high-security Maricopa County election center in Phoenix.

"I think three people have been arrested for things that they've said to me. We've had police outside of our house. People will get into your face at an event and start spitting on you and pushing you."

Now, ahead of the November 5 presidential election pitting Kamala Harris against Donald Trump, the 39-year-old Richer is bracing for another onslaught of disinformation and harassment.

He has even taken the extraordinary step of suing Republican US Senate candidate Kari Lake, who has repeatedly claimed he mishandled the 2022 governor's race that she lost.

Mayor Breanna Lungo-Koehn has to fully investigate ex Police Chier Leo A. Sacco, Jr.,

Mayor Breanna Lungo-Koehn has to fully investigate ex Police Chier Leo A. Sacco, Jr., current police chief Jack Buckley, Melrose Police Chief Kevin Faller, and all the nepotism Paul MacGilvray and family, Richard Lebert and Family, Leo A. Sacco III etc. The McGlynn Cronies had 33 police on the dreaded Brady list and bullied many citizens. Paul MacKowski needs to be in prison, not retirement.

McNamara has been chief of the department since 2017.
All three men have since resigned from the department and Matthew Farwell was later decertified by the state board responsible for overseeing police departments. The board is seeking to decertify William Farwell and suspend or decertify Devine, the Globe reported.
“Sandra received not so much as a sliver of justice during her life, and we will not cease in our efforts to ensure our duty to administer justice, and she is not forgotten in the aftermath of her death,” McNamara said Sunday. “Every good and decent police officer should be aware of and angry about the injustices inflicted upon Sandra Birchmore. Sandra idolized police officers and what policing stood for in America, and she was victimized as a result.”

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Medford Hosting Electric Vehicle Showcase on September 14 Medford EV Showcase to take place at City Hall from 10am-12pm


Tue, Aug 27 at 12:56 PM

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – August 27, 2024 
Contact: Steve Smirti, Director of Communications (, 781-885-4296  


Medford Hosting Electric Vehicle Showcase on September 14 
Medford EV Showcase to take place at City Hall from 10am-12pm

Electric vehicles will be parked in the City Hall Parking Lot with owners available to answer questions. 


(MEDFORD) — The City is hosting an Electric Vehicle (EV) Showcase on Saturday, September 14 from 10am-12pm in the City Hall parking lot, announced Mayor Breanna Lungo-Koehn. This event will showcase a variety of electric vehicles (including e-bikes and scooters) and give residents the chance to speak directly with owners to get more information on maintenance and usability.  


This event is sponsored by Electrify Medford, which educates residents about available resources to make sustainable and money-saving changes in their own lives. Community members will have the opportunity to see the interiors of electric vehicles, talk about their pros and cons with their owners, and learn about what incentives are available, without being in a high-pressure sales environment. Representatives from Green Energy Consumers Alliance and Bluebikes will also be on hand to answer questions. This is an educational event to share information; no car dealers will be there.


“Electric vehicles are a great option for residents looking for a greener, more environmentally friendly way to navigate our City,” said Mayor Lungo-Koehn. “As the City works to make green transportation more convenient and accessible, we hope this will be an engaging and educational event for anyone thinking about making the switch.” 

To meet goals laid out in the Climate Action and Adaptation Plan, Medford has been encouraging the transition to electric vehicles for both residents and the City-owned fleet, with an electric street sweeper in the Department of Public Works and hybrid vehicles in the Parking Department and Police Department. There are also currently 11 City-owned level 2 electric vehicle charging stations available to the public. 


Learn more about Electrify Medford and sign up to speak one-on-one with an energy coach about your options at 





Steve Smirti

Director of Communications | Office of Mayor Breanna Lungo-Koehn

Medford City Hall

85 George P Hassett Dr, Medford, MA 02155

781-393-2529 (office)

Please note: The Commonwealth of Massachusetts considers most electronic communications to and from public employees to be public records and disclosable under the Massachusetts Public Records Law and its regulations. *Please consider the environment before printing this email.* 


Please note: The Commonwealth of Massachusetts considers most electronic communications to and from public employees to be public records and disclosable under the Massachusetts Public Records Law and its regulations. *Please consider the environment before printing this email.*

Sunday, August 25, 2024



Sent: Saturday, August 24, 2024 at 11:31:44 PM EDT
Subject: Public File WISN DJ Jay Weber must be fired for attacking a child with a disability

1130 WISN
News/Talk 1130 WISN, Milwaukee's Talk Station, Mark Belling, Jay Weber, Dan O'Donnell, Vicki McKenna
News/Talk 1130 WISN
12100 W. Howard Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53228

Dear FCC:

I want this letter put in the Public File at WISN as well as at iHeart Media national.

Very disturbing to see Jay Weber so desperate for ratings that he
attacks a disabled minor child.  How pathetic.

WISN should be stripped of its license and the FCC should levy
a huge fine on iHeart Media 

Here's the story:
The younger Walz has ADHD, an anxiety disorder and a non-verbal learning disorder, according to his parents in an interview published before the convention. That, coupled with the facts that he is still a minor and not himself running for public office brought down a wave of condemnation on Weber, who has since apologized.

See phony apology (attached)

What a useless piece of human garbage making his living allegedly
supporting a convicted felon and alleged rapist in Donald J. Trump.

Jay Weber needs to be fired, banned from all media, and iHeartMedia needs to
pay for this fraudulent Republican behavior to the full extent of the law.

Another example of WISN's fraudulent Republican behavior is that you
cannot find the address for the public file or even the station.  Pathetic.

Report Waste, Fraud & Abuse

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    * If you believe any programing on iHeartRadio violates any of the policies set forth in the iHeartMedia Content Policy, please contact us here and let ...

A school teacher attacking children?  In what universe "Jay is also a certified Wisconsin public school teacher. He has held various part-time teaching and coaching positions."  Probably with pervert Republican Jim "Gym" Jordan...keep him away from children!, dear God, and vote #HarrisWalz2024  

 · Former OSU wrestler Tito Vazquez says he told then assistant coach Jim Jordan, now a congressman, that team doctor Richard Strauss groped him during an exam.

How many children does Jay Weber allegedly grope while "teaching"???  

Donald Trump is an alleged rapist, Jay Weber attacking a disabled minor and endorsing the alleged rapist
is the filth on your airwaves.   The FCC must do something, and this letter needs to go into the Public File.

Joe Viglione   
P.O. Box 2392
Woburn, MA 01888

DMCA Designated Agent 

c/o Legal Department 

iHeartMedia, Inc. 

20880 Stone Oak Pkwy 

San Antonio, TX 78258 

By Facsimile: (210) 832-3149 

By Email: 

Legal Department 

ATTN: iHeartMedia Sites Terms of Use 

iHeartMedia, Inc. 

20880 Stone Oak Pkwy 

San Antonio, TX 78258 

Federal Communications Commission
45 L Street NE
Washington, DC 20554

Phone: 1-888-225-5322
ASL Video Call: 1-844-432-2275
Fax: 1-866-418-0232

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Old and Tired Howie Carr Has Become One Note Charlie with Joe Biden

Newsflash to Howie Carr: Kamala Harris is the candidate.

Did you hear Morning Joe reference Herman's Hermits this morning?


What Lou Reed jokingly said about Bryan Ferry of Roxy Music was
not true, but it was funny: "Ferry was fun for ten minutes" (paraphrased)

Obama talking about Donald Trump can be said locally about Carr:
the act has grown "tired"

Joe Biden's speech was brilliant, and was on late at night because
the most times brilliant scheduling ran overtime on Monday night.

As disgusting Trump would say "fake news" and that is what tired Howie
is issuing these days.   Carr is just going through the motions.  Like
he did with gangsters with his alleged misinformation and regurgitation
of same old / same old.  My sources note that Carr got it wrong with  some of his information on
gangsters....and boy did I catch flak in Medford for going after alleged "gangsters"
Carr never heard of (and the politicians protecting them....absurd!) 

The Medford politicians, including exiled/disgraced Judge Paul J Cavanaugh
- a bunch of old cronies -  gossip like little old ladies every Sunday morning.
They certainly are not doing their jobs.

Seems the ex Judge and a bunch of old and useless Medford politicians would
get together at Alexander's in Medford on Sunday mornings and talk about yours
truly.  One of my spies in the bcc overheard them.  Then that jackass/loser Richard
Caraviello lied about me to the police when Clerk Ed Finn slugged me at the 
city council.  I got hit, slugged, by an obese and pathetic city clerk and
the police threatened me with "witness intimidation" unless I dropped my legitimate
charges a rookie cop urged me to file.  Guess the rookie didn't get the memo.

I defeated them all in a court of law, ha ha, and Caraviello went on to lose the
election for mayor, not that the disgraced and out-of-his depth joker ever had
a chance.    Why hasn't the FBI bugged Alexander's is the question, they act
like juvenile gangsters these outgoing Medford councilors, state rep types etc. 

And they wonder why I post photos that I snapped of a representative and a councilor
playing handy shandy as my late gal pal would call it, in front of 3 minors at the opening
of the "new" tv station that no one can use.

Here's the punch line to Carr, Joe Battenfeld and the Herald: even Fox News is gushing
over how great the Democratic National Convention is going.  Republicans are praising
the speeches of Michelle, Barack, just about everyone, and Kamala sticking it to the
Republican party (and the Herald writers) by invading their domain simultaneously last
night, and airing it at the DNC.  

The juxtaposition was sublime, with Barack acting like a younger Mick Jagger, and
letting Trump have it as well.   A thing of beauty.

Howie Carr has lost his mojo, and the Republican party has too.

Howie Carr: Dems agree, Joe Biden no longer fit for prime time

They dumped Joe as the closing act on Losers’ Night at the Democrat national convention, then ran the clock out so that nobody in the east could see him in prime time.