Sunday, August 25, 2024



Sent: Saturday, August 24, 2024 at 11:31:44 PM EDT
Subject: Public File WISN DJ Jay Weber must be fired for attacking a child with a disability

1130 WISN
News/Talk 1130 WISN, Milwaukee's Talk Station, Mark Belling, Jay Weber, Dan O'Donnell, Vicki McKenna
News/Talk 1130 WISN
12100 W. Howard Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53228

Dear FCC:

I want this letter put in the Public File at WISN as well as at iHeart Media national.

Very disturbing to see Jay Weber so desperate for ratings that he
attacks a disabled minor child.  How pathetic.

WISN should be stripped of its license and the FCC should levy
a huge fine on iHeart Media 

Here's the story:
The younger Walz has ADHD, an anxiety disorder and a non-verbal learning disorder, according to his parents in an interview published before the convention. That, coupled with the facts that he is still a minor and not himself running for public office brought down a wave of condemnation on Weber, who has since apologized.

See phony apology (attached)

What a useless piece of human garbage making his living allegedly
supporting a convicted felon and alleged rapist in Donald J. Trump.

Jay Weber needs to be fired, banned from all media, and iHeartMedia needs to
pay for this fraudulent Republican behavior to the full extent of the law.

Another example of WISN's fraudulent Republican behavior is that you
cannot find the address for the public file or even the station.  Pathetic.

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A school teacher attacking children?  In what universe "Jay is also a certified Wisconsin public school teacher. He has held various part-time teaching and coaching positions."  Probably with pervert Republican Jim "Gym" Jordan...keep him away from children!, dear God, and vote #HarrisWalz2024  

 · Former OSU wrestler Tito Vazquez says he told then assistant coach Jim Jordan, now a congressman, that team doctor Richard Strauss groped him during an exam.

How many children does Jay Weber allegedly grope while "teaching"???  

Donald Trump is an alleged rapist, Jay Weber attacking a disabled minor and endorsing the alleged rapist
is the filth on your airwaves.   The FCC must do something, and this letter needs to go into the Public File.

Joe Viglione   
P.O. Box 2392
Woburn, MA 01888

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