Monday, August 19, 2024

Leo Sacco Jr and Harold MacGilvray Found Guilty*, George Santos PLEADS GUILTY .... SANTOS HAS MORE INTEGRITY THAN LEO AND HARRY~!~~~~

 *Actually found to have conflicts of interest; guilty of conflict of interest, if you will -  both families ruling the police department, how sad for Medford.

EDITORIAL: REPUBLICANS Kevin McCarthy, Mike Johnson, MTG. Jim "Gym" Jordan, etc. embrace criminality. George Santas and Donald Trump are now convicted criminals, embraced by the Republican Clownshow for ...alleged votes, not real votes, but votes by the fraud known as George Santos. The devil Mitch McConnell stole two Supreme Court judges, did not vote to impeach Trump, whom he now hates (but will vote for,) and they spend your money attempting to impeach President Biden - a good, honest man, but allowing sexual abuser / convicted fraudster Donald J. Trump to get away with it. They are all guilty, and Santos' plea deal proves it. They cannot run away from their Republican crimes. Vote #HarrisWalz2024 Trump wanted a mob to kill his Vice President while Biden opens the door for Harris. There's the difference. "A short time ago, after years of telling lies, former Congressman George Santos stood in the courthouse behind me and finally, under oath, told the truth. And that truth is that he is a criminal," U.S. Attorney Breon Peace said. "Santos pled guilty to serious crimes involving fraud and identity theft. He also admitted to committing all other crimes he was charged with in the superseding indictment. As a result, he will finally be held to account for his actions."
Peace said under the deal Santos will go to prison for at least two years, though the judge said the plea deal may come with an estimated sentencing range between 6-8 years. He's set for sentencing Feb. 7 at federal court in Central Islip.
Under the agreement, Santos will have to repay at least $373,000.