Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Worm-in-Brain Howie Carr: RFK and ruckus at Arlington National Cemetery


Did you see Cowie Harr's latest column?
I didn't, just the headline, I simply won't subscribe to the Herald or Globe anymore.

Well, the headline is Trump Derangement Syndrome enough.  Don't know if senile old
Carr is slicing and dicing baby cub bears with worm-brain Bobby Kennedy, or if he's in
search of the late  Dr. Harold Bornstein, President Donald Trump’s 
former personal physician, 
who couldn't make it past 73...physician, heal thyself!

That whackjob  "WH Physician Ronny Jackson" claims demented and distressed 
ex- President Donald Trump  "Has A Lot Of Energy & Stamina." 
Howie Carr is going to Jackson for a second opinion.

Fortunately, Jack Smith has the real energy and stamina.
I was helping out an ex member of my band with her DistroKid and YouTube and
stuff, and she flipped out and ruined our 40 years or so because of RFK.  Ask
Bobby to put your YouTube's up volunteering to help an old friend.

Somehow "told you so" seems very appropriate here.  HA HA, RFK losers and
suckers are more than just a brain worm and and innocent cub bear!!!! 

Hannibal Lecter would be proud.  So would the electric sharks.

What Trump, and now RFK, have both done, is to divide families, friends and
strangers.  Last night I'm driving on Route 99 and some weirdo in a black truck
with an American flag is breaking every driving law on the books: speeding,
wrong lane, etc. etc.  They hijack the US flag and think the law doesn't apply to

I was gonna pull a Ben Matlock and call him a "jackass" but then my perfect driving
record would be in jeopardy  ....the suckers and losers would accuse me of road rage
when I'm a polite guy just pointing out the facts.

Howie Carr's TDS is pathological veering off into just-as-nutty RFK territory.
Democrats and Free Speech?  While Trump wants to fracture the 1st Amendment
and jail people burning the flag and having abortions - the bastard is indicted again!

While Kamala and Walz are kicking the $)#^ 
out of Trump, he goes and causes a
ruckus at Arlington National Cemetery.  


Team Trump Attacks Arlington Staffer As ‘Mentally Ill’ Disgrace 

To ‘Hollowed’ Gravesite After Fracas Over Photo Op

On Tuesday, however, reports emerged that members of the campaign verbally abused and pushed a cemetery staff member in an altercation that happened when the team attempted to record and photograph the ceremony. Federal law prohibits political campaign activities at all Army national cemeteries, including Arlington.

Futhermucker Trump speaks ill of the dead.  ANYONE voting for the felon needs their
head examined, but more than that, why isn't Trump in prison already?

Republicans shielded convicted criminal George Santos for votes for too long.
That's why Republicans are losing, and why Trump will join Santos in prison...

the sooner the better.

Don't worry about Howie Carr, there's enough evidence that he can plead