Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Rumley Must Recuse Himself From InvestIgating his pals on MCC Board of Distractors

849,919@9:47 am

They poked fun at their former fellow board member with the malicious
Chumley Report, vicious Harvey Alberg ripping the city solicitor apart and
using our tv station in a manner in which it is not intended to be used

So why was Rumley palling around with those unethical individuals in early September?

Why has Rumley feigned ignorance that he promised sngry cable tv subscribers who were ripped off
that he would get answers... Or else???

Rumley threw the hot potato at the AG's office

Spine in action?  Not!!!

Rumley is far too friendly woth his old cohorts in 2016
and he must recuse homself